Need advice about reversal of RNY

Zee Starrlite
on 12/8/14 5:13 am

Awe hun, I hope you get to feeling better.  I was allergic to the cold - imagine that!  I would break out in hives that spread throughout my body.  I looked like a monster and would hide all the time. The itching was to die from.  That all happened one day after falling in an ice puddle when I was 15 (this felt traumatic to me).  This went on strong for 3 years then for a couple of years less.  Now I have a strange form of RA (Palindromic) and Raynards Syndrome.  What I learned is that somehow having a horrible reaction to the cold is connected to my autoimmune issues.

You have to do an elimination diet.  YOU will be your best researcher.  YOU will need to find YOUR own cure.  Keep doing searches on the web.  Youtube is a great resource.  Find people who may be having similar issues then work from there.  There are lots of people doing alternative medicine and experimenting on themselves for a cure.  I personally am my own nutty professor because sometimes these docs just have no answers for you.  My Rhuemy is nice and can prescribe for me steroids and cancer drugs that may have deadly side effects.  I personally believe you have to believe you will get better - that you will be cured.  If you do not start from that place I am not sure how even surgery can work.  Your body received your RNY as very traumatic - it brought out stuff in you that would have probably remained dormant had you not had the surgery.

If you don't want to live, you need some psychological support.


All best Susan.  Stay strong!


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 12/8/14 6:32 am - Oak Park, IL

I am so sorry for what you are experiencing 

So proud of you for reaching out to us on this board 

Have you had your hormones checked If not please do so 

I am 9.5years post of RNY and now have a face of of dermetitis !! ugh It is hormonal and low zinc intake 

Going to up zinc and start hormones ugh 

I am 50 yro 

Best to you love 

on 12/9/14 7:51 am - Ballston Lake, NY

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling such despair. I really hope that you find an answer to the allergies and health problems. As others have said, it sounds like you need a supportive therapist to help work through this difficult time in your life.

I had my WLS in 2011 and at first it was a complete miracle, and my health became awesome after suffering from many health problems while overweight. It was like my body was shocked into letting go of any problems. Lately, my health has changed again, with my heartburn and reflux coming back, allergies and extremely itchy rashes, stomach pains, IBS, etc. I don't know why as I have only gained back a small amount of weight, which should not cause these things to return.

Here's what I do when having a flare. Take 2 Benadryl around the clock for 1-3 days. I do have to miss work a couple days, because it makes me sleep a lot. But it works like a charm, and my flare shortens and my health seems to restore. It is weird, and I don't know what I have or why, but I suspect an autoimmune disorder. It seems to be around every 2-3 months for me, that I flare up. I'm not sure if my problem is food related, I don't think so, because I eat pretty much the same things. You may be going through something completely unrelated to your WLS. 

Couple of other things that I do that I truly believe have helped my health. I take 5000 Vitamin D tablet every day. I also take Rephresh probiotic and Azo Yeast control every day (and double up, if feeling sick or tired or getting a rash). And of course a multivitamin.

I do know a bit of what you are experiencing, as before WLS, I was desperate and depressed and wanted to die, due to all the health problems I had. I was bed ridden, losing my eyesight, and on all sorts of medications. I was going to all sorts of specialists and trying everything. I also did the anti-candida diet. I had to be my own advocate and do my own research. Please hang in there, and know that it can get better.

Alain Polynice Arm Lift & Revision BL 4/15/15

Alain Polynice Hernia Repair, Revision TT, Lipo Flanks 5/28/14

Dr. Lee Gallbladder Removal 5/28/14

Francisco Sauceda  TT & BL  6/3/13

Mitchell Roslin VSG 5/12/11


(deactivated member)
on 12/9/14 9:03 pm

Just you have seasonal allergies as well?


I have seasonal allergies that have gotten worse now that I'm an adult. Now I'm having allergic reactions to foods...face itches, throat itches and closes up. I've read up on it, and it seems I have oral allery syndrome. So those healthy foods fruits and nuts? I can't eat a lot of them now because I'm allergic to tree pollen. Mine isn't WLS surgery related, but I was wondering if maybe something similar is happening to you.

Candy A.
on 12/11/14 6:12 am

Hi Susan, 

I am so sorry to hear that you're having these issues. I have sent you a private message. I had my RNY in 2007. I reached and maintained my goal weight all these years but had various issues including intractable reactive hypoglycemia. For this reason, this past August, I had my RNY reversed. It was done laparoscopically. Many of my malabsorptive issues resolved, however, the hypoglycemia remain, albeit markedly improved. So you do face the risk of continuing to have some of the issues that you're seeking out a reversal for. It was a big surgery. The recovery was a lot tougher than I remember the original RNY being. But I am fine now and have transitioned into a regular diet. We can discuss more details regarding the reversal surgery if you like, via PM. 

Candy A.
on 12/11/14 6:15 am

I should also note that I'm rather young (35) had the surgery in my 20s and have/did not have any comorbid conditions i.e. hypertension, diabetes, etc and was not overweight at the time of my reversal (nor am I now). So my recovery will look a lot different than someone who is older, obese, with comorbidities. 

on 12/13/14 9:34 am

Just curious, because I see a lot of people with reactive hypoglycemia. When you say you had your RNY reversed, did do a complete take-down, and return your pylorus to full function?

Candy A.
on 12/13/14 9:42 am

Yes, a complete take-down with return of my pylorus to full function. A complete reversal. I'm guessing that the reason that the reactive hypoglycemia has not completely resolved may be related to delayed gastric emptying as my stomach was bypassed for 8 years and now has to get used to propelling food again. But that's just my theory. But as I mentioned above, the episodes are less frequent and less severe. 

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