Need advice about reversal of RNY

on 12/4/14 6:37 am

I had RNY in January 2012 and lost 80 lb. I've kept most of the weight off because I've followed the rules.


However I want to have my surgery reversed because it has ruined my life. I have developed numerous food allergies and intolerances and am at the point now where I can't eat anything without breaking out in an itchy rash all over my body. I've been on an anti candida diet to ensure I don't have candida overgrowth, I've been on GAPS and Body Ecology to heal leaky gut and restore my health, I eat only organic and whole foods, and I am getting worse by the day. I mean it when I say I literally don't eat any more. I've been to two allergists and dermatologists and the Mayo Clinic and they don't know what the cause is and only prescribe creams and antihistamines, but they don't help.


Ive resorted to infrared sauna and colon hydrotherapy hoping that would help. Nope.  Today I saw an energy healer who said I just needed to believe I would be healed and that I was healed. Well I'm not Im still covered in hives and miserable. And I am now suicidal thanks a lot and would rather be dead than live this miserable existence.


How long does the reversal process take, what will it cost and what is the mortality rate. Maybe I will luck out and f***g die on the table and end it already. I would be relieved. I am sorry I ever did this to my body.

on 12/4/14 7:22 pm

sorry you are going through this, I cant see any severe complications in your post, WLS wouldnt cause you to be allergic to every food stuff, but a particular food or something in your environment, could.   you didnt post your weight but if you are underweight with a bmi of

on 12/5/14 2:24 am - TX

There's a Weight Loss Complications board that, although not active, has several posts about reversing RNYs.  It's a complicated surgery and I'd recommend you do some research and locate a surgeon who has done many.  If you reach out to some of the folks who have had it done via a private message, they may be able to give you an idea of how to get it going.

Wish you the best of luck.

on 12/5/14 4:35 am

Have you discussed this with a bariatric surgeon? I strongly urge you to seek out a surgeon who specializes in revisions, especially in revising the RNY to the DS. I say this because that's THE most complicated revisions surgery out there, so those guys are the most skillful and experienced. 'm pretty sure you can find a list of them at

Now---I don't want to discourage you, but the symptoms you mention can be caused by ANY surgery on the digestive tract. Reversing your RNY may NOT fix the problem. I suggest you talk with an endocrinologist before you proceed with a reversal.

on 12/6/14 11:09 am

I think you're right and probably won't have my surgery reversed. I saw a dermatologist on an emergency basis on Friday and got a cortisone shot and a bunch of prescription meds to deal with my chronic idiopathic hives. I never had them before my surgery but reversing it wouldnt necessarily reverse the effects. And a man on Facebook said his wife had the surgery reversed and her health problems worsened and she can only consume calories through a bag in her stomach now. No thanks! Im going to keep trying to find a solution and working with a dermatologist and homeopath to figure this out. thanks for your advice!

Member Services
on 12/5/14 9:17 am - Irvine, CA

Hi Susan,

We are sorry that you're having to go through such an ordeal. 

Have you selected a surgeon to do your surgery yet?  We'd be more than happy to help you.  While I know it is frustrating and the health issues you're having are difficult, please let us and other members of the OH community support you.  We're here for you.

I sent you an email and a PM regarding your post.  Please check either of them and get back with me. 

We're here for you! 

Take care, Cathy

H.A.L.A B.
on 12/5/14 10:12 pm, edited 12/8/14 4:39 am

Susan, I can related to that and partially I understand how you feel. I am over 6 years out, and I have been dealing with as lot of issues you describe.  Plus gut pain when I don't follow a very strict diet.  

My duet is very limited but as long as I follow my diet - I do just fine. However, even one meal that is not as I need it to be can set me up for up to a week of symptoms. 

I was diagnosed with severe soy allergy, dairy allergy, plus as few others.  I don't have gluten allergy - but I have gluten intolerance - and most grains intolerance.  I know I have IBS-C...

Based on all of that my research indicates I probably have advanced SIBO (google that) and right now I am searching for a doc who knows about it, can diagnose that and treat it.  And who hopefully takes insurance vs. Private cash practice. 

In a meantime following a very strict low carb SIBO diet, avoiding the allergens, and taking Allegra and zyrtec daily really helps me. I also take 1-2 benadryls at night. 

The trick for me it to really be careful about the food. Eating out is very tricky. But it can be done.

Initially a food journal really helped me. Very detailed journal. Based on it I realized that even though I was not diagnosed a allergic to eggs, more than 2 eggs every 2-3 days , would cause rash and itching. I use only organic or natural eggs. 

My problem with soy allergy is that most animals, even organic, are fed soy... I.e. hens that make eggs. Who knows if my body is detecting that? 

BTW: face and body creams and lotions, or shampoo, etc may have chemicals that you may be sensitive to. 

I use filtered water, for cooking and shower, double and triple rinse my laundry.  Use natural soaps, and detergents.  

I hope you can find out what is you are allergic to and you would be able to eliminate that. 

BTW: I had many days that I was so tired of the pain and issues, and felt hopeless.  But I found out how to work with my body limitations.  That also means - I no longer have a "bite of something" without checking very carefully what is in the food". Line like "natural spices and flavoring" means that they added "who knows what" and I would not dare to try it. It is a learning curve. 

If you think can help you more - PM me and I may try to help you based on my own experience living with "whatever it it I have".


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 12/6/14 12:17 am - NY
Revision on 11/20/14

This made me very sad. I don't have any information on your specific situation. I just want to tell you, DONT GIVE UP. Please don't give up. Keep fighting to find a solution to ease your suffering. Contact everyone and anyone who will listen. You are worth it. 

Revision: Band to Bypass - 11/20/14

 Lap Band - 7/30/07 

Dakinbar Yes
on 12/6/14 1:26 pm
VSG on 05/07/14

Hi Susan,


It can see from your post that you are really struggling. You have kept to the rules and lost weight, and now you are having to suffer with a rash that makes you miserable every time you eat. Sounds pretty unfair. You mentioned you have reached out in various places for help with this, but so far nothing has helped. That must be really frustrating.


You said you are suicidal which is really concerning. You also said you would be relieved to die on the table and end it already. I wonder if it's really your life you want to end, or more the suffering with rashes? Chronic health problems can drive even the strongest people to the ends of their patience. It can feel really hopeless. Susan, do you have anyone supporting you with your mental health? Have you spoken to anyone about how you are feeling? I encourage you do get help with these thoughts Susan. The rest of your life is ahead of you, and in all that time so much opportunity to find a way to resolve these rashes.

HW 309lb  CW 186 1/9/2015  GW 136     31yr old Female, 5ft3



I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. As a therapist and fellow weight-loss traveller, I encourage you to seek a mental health professional very soon. If you are feeling suicidal and hopeless, there is counseling and often *very* good response to medication that can restore clear, life affirming thinking and behavior. Please know that you are in my thoughts and in the light of healing. - Lucy

 Lucy van Pelt 
 Highest 255 Surgery 248 Current 170
Goal: 150

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