Northern California Kaiser - Lap Band Revision not being done

on 11/24/14 3:26 am

So I will start with a little background.  I was banded in 2009 at what we will call a "chop-shop" in Las Vegas, NV.  I feel like a rocked the lap band and dropped over 100lbs.  It is now 2014 and I have moved to the SF Bay Area and having nothing but trouble with my lap band.  I have Kaiser and they have, for the most part, been great!  However, I have had my band fill/unfilled/filled/unfilled/filled/unfilled, you get the point.  I have been going back and forth with fills and adjustments, including complete unfill.  I have also have three, yes three, upper GIs in the last three months.  The first and second test showed that my esophagus as well as pouch were dilated.   On my last GI it showed my pouch looks normal, however, my esophagus hasn't changed and per the radiologist, my esophagus dilation hasn't changed.  I then received and email from my doctor saying that I have no dilation and everything looks good, but he doesn't want to add anymore fluid to the band and doesn't want to do any type or revision or anything else.

With only 1cc in my band I am still suffering from acute heartburn, very upset stomach and occasional vomiting.  I have also been gaining weight, but logging everything and trying to stay under 1200 calories.

I am so frustrated and I just don't know what to do.  I don't know where to seek help.  I just want to feel better and be healthy.  So much heartburn and throwing up can not be good for my esophagus, long term.  I would just either like my lap band to work again or to figure out something that does.

I do not want to be another statistic.  Has anyone ever had this issue with Kaiser?  I have no other health issues at this time.  I just would like some help!

on 11/24/14 6:29 am

Does anyone have any thoughts, ideas or suggestions on what I might do to get something done?  Or what I can do for myself?  Anyway have a similar experience?


on 11/24/14 9:09 am

first, the band is a temporary fix for a permanent issue-obesity.  your issue will only escalate to the point that you will have irreversible complication like I have from the lap band.  one thing doesnt make sense, your UGI showed megaesophagus two times then on the third it didnt all within weeks, there is definetly something wrong with that, that is NOT possible.   Also the UGI would show reflux, do you have any?  it would also show motility issues, band slip, peristaltic wave, do you have any of these?  have you had an endoscopy?  this will be important for seeing how much damage there is due to heartburn etc,  there you can see erosion, hernias etc.  you have started down a one way road, the only solution will be explant, your situation will not get better but only worse, dont wait too long before it is too late.  wishing you well.

on 11/24/14 12:16 pm

airbender..... thank you so much for your reply.  So to answer your question, Yes!  I had three upper GIs done.  One in in August, one in September, and the final one in October.  The doctor said in August and September my esophagus was dilated and the most recent one there is no dilation.  Now, the radiologist said during the last test that NOTHING has changed with my esophagus and it is exactly the same from the last scan in September.  I am just so confused, I have people telling me two different things.  I have HORRID reflux, my getting unfilled I finally got rid of the months of GURD and waking up throwing up in the middle of the night (sorry, hope that wasn't TMI).  They said my band placement is high but okay and I don't even know what a peristaltic wave is.  I have not had an endoscopy and no one has even mentioned it, but I think at my next appointment I will bring it up.  I hope the doctor will see that I am truly trying and I want to continue on my successful path.  Thank you for your help... I truly appreciate it!

on 11/25/14 5:02 am

ok like I said before, the UGI differences in weeks is not possible, megaesophagus cannot be normal in weeks.  ok I bet you are confused, but you have to come to a point where you say, hey what the hell, someone listen to me.   You need to get copies of ALL your UGI, your reports AND your images burned onto a disk, dont forget to get your preop ones also, this will show that your anatomy was normal before banding, and get this before you can no longer get images, as they only have to hold on to them for a few years.  These are your right, dont get them from the dr YOU get them from the hospital yourself, you will need them for your new DR.   You need an endoscopy and potentially a CT scan, depending on what you will be converting to.   I assume you are looking for a conversion,  and not just explant?  depending on what that is to, depends on how to continue, and make sure you explore ALL surgery types.

and the most important thing is:  YOU NEED A NEW DR...any dr that dismisses you with physical complications you need to look for the exit door and I dont like that bs with different results for your UGI.  You need to beg and plead for your dr to listen to you, believe you?  really-get out of there, things will only get worse.

on 11/24/14 1:35 pm - Vancouver, WA

Mel you gotta get rid of that band before it kills you. What you are suffering will only get worse even if you empty the band. I would bet money that scar tissue is building up between the band and the stomach and they can test till the cows come home but they won't find anything until they actually go inside. What type of doc are you seeing at Kaiser is it a bariatric surgeon or just a primary care doc? Very few primary care docs are going to know anything about dealing with a lap band. What happens is that over time the band rubs on the stomach causing scar tissue and it causes horrid problems. The biggest problem is that they can't see the problem with the tests so they don't see any reason to do anything about it. You are just gonna have to get stubborn and tell them it has to come out. Just the fact that you are vomiting so much is dangerous and it can totally ruin your teeth and esophagus. Push for removal so you can get this resolved.

on 11/24/14 2:25 pm

Hislady.   Thanks for the response.   The doctor I see is a Bariatric Surgeon.  He actually did my sisters bypass and did a great job.  I guess I am ignorant and I don't understand why they can't remove the band and convert me to a sleeve or bypass.  I don't want to EVER be at my pre-band weight or health.   I'm terrified to have my band removed with no conversion surgery in place and I'm scared to keep it and have long term irreversible complications.   

on 11/25/14 1:12 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

the fact of the matter is ,they CAN remove the band and they should and convert you to another surgery. The problem is ,this surgeon doesn't want to. 

I believe he is. Not telling you the truth about the third test. I would trust what the radiologist says,he has no reason to. Lie. 

I would contact the hospital and request copies of all three scans and would likely be looking for another surgeon. GL




on 11/25/14 5:12 am

so you and your sister are very different.  A banded complication patient to vsg has a much higher complication % than band to rny.  the leaks for a band vsg conversion at the g-junction are very very different than rny leaks.  one reason to have an explant then your conversion is due to lap band damage, that is not the case with rny.  I understand about not going back to preband weight but it may happen, with my explant then I had to wait andhave my stomach rest I gained 100 lbs,  it really depends on your esophogus health, which you dont know.  band to rny is the easy way out for the surgeon, band to vsg not so much and some bariatric surgeons will not even band to vsg at all.  hang in there first get your info, get a new dr bring all your records, remove band then convert, but I warn you if you have band complications, do not band to vsg with any dr, you will not be a virgin vsg.


Zee Starrlite
on 11/25/14 1:41 am

Oh gosh!  You know in your heart of hearts that your band is useless and harmful and needs to be removed - right?  No one wants to be "a statistic", but I rather go down on the list of band removal than suffer irreversible damage to my esophagus.  Imagine it just stops working . . . for good.  That is what happens when you know you are in danger yet keep pressing your luck.  Our time just runs out with AGB's.  

My doc says think of the esophagus as sort of like getting stretch marks - it is never the same once there is a dilation and why it is so easy to go right back to being dilated once there is a little pressure.  Your band will not work again without causing damage.  One of my best friend's doc allows him to keep a dilation and firm fill.  To each his own.  Two dilations was all I needed with the band.  Many people do not fully recover from having the band.  I thank God that I have no standing  functional issues with my esophagus after band removal and revision to a sleeved stomach.  Believe me, I really thank my lucky stars.

I wish you the best.



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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