band to RNY - have questions for anyone who's done this...

on 11/6/14 2:52 am
RNY on 12/15/14

Hi Guys.

I posted this in the RNY forum too...but thinking maybe someone here could answer my questions...I have a few questions for those who've gone from the band to the RNY.  But first let me ramble...

I was banded in 2008, lost about 80 lbs...but was totally band bulimic the whole time.  Eating and throwing up, because I got stuck almost every meal.  I was told by my doctor that I was eating too fast and/or not chewing well enough...which is possible but not always (I vomited on frozen yogurt!).    I started waking up choking, etc...had the band loosened, gained a little, had it tightened, stop gaining.   I always said that I loved my band...even if I fought with it...because I loved the fact I'd stopped gaining weight.   In 2013, I got a very bad stomach virus and literally could not throw-up (nothing would pass up through the band).  I was violently dry heaving...ended up in the ER - and had the band emptied.  I was so scared to have it re-filled after that  I kept it open for a year...and ended up gaining 60 lbs.  I've since tried tightening again..but I get stuck/choke on it's pretty much open now.  My doctor said that he thought I should get it removed and get the by-pass.  I had wanted the sleeve...but after going for a second opinion...and a esophogial turns out my esophogus is very weak and doesn't fully empty...and the added pressure the band is causing is making it worse (and I'd have the same issue with the sleeve).  Here are my questions:

Is getting stuck with the RNY the same feeling as the Band?

Does anyone else have a weak esophogus...and if so, did you see improvement with the RNY?

I'm so scared about the malabsorption with the RNY - and long term effects of not getting enough nutrients...and terrified of getting stuck, since it was such a big issue with the band.

Any help/advice/input would be great.   I remember how awesome these boards were when I was researching the band...I can't believe I'm doing this all over again! :(((

on 11/7/14 12:00 am - NY
Revision on 11/20/14

I don't have any advice for you, but...I am in the same boat as you. I am having my revision from band to bypass on 11/20/14. I am also dying to know if you get "stuck" episodes with the bypass as well and very worried about it! I want this band out of me...but I am so fearful of having the same "side effects" as the band!   i was gonna post a similar question actually. I want to wish you luck in finding your answers.Maybe I will find mine too!  

Good Luck

on 11/25/14 7:29 pm
RNY on 12/15/14

Hi!  Based on your planned surgery are probably a few days out from your revision.  I just wanted to see how you are feeling!  Hope all is well :)

Banded 12/18/08.  Band removed and revision to RNY on 12/15/14.


on 11/11/14 6:31 am

I, too, don't have advice but I can say that I am in the same boat. I was originally banded in 2006 with a slip and another surgery in 2011. I had been throwing up regularly so in August I went back to the dr and did the barium swallow test. They told me I had another slip so I started the process of conversion surgery to RNY. I met with my Dr today and he told me that I technically do not have a slip but he doesn't feel like that I will be successful with the band.  I am beating the crap out of myself b/c up until today I thought I had a slip; now I feel like failure. I'm still going through with the conversion surgery but mentally I'm off the beam a bit. 😁

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