Want to know if the sleeve will give me what I'm looking for?

on 10/23/14 1:45 pm

I was banded in 2010 and did really great with it in terms of losing 75% of my excess weight. However, what I didn't realize at the time was that in order to do that and keep it off, my band was constantly too tight. The feeling of restriction that I need to not be hungry ALL THE FRIKKING TIME was enough restriction to also cause my esophagus to stop pushing food down, thus dilating it, and leading to reflux and other issues. I got completely unfilled for a year, gained back 40 lbs, and just a few months ago went back for a small fill. For the first few weeks after that fill I was in heaven. I lost 15 lbs in the 6 weeks after my fill because I wasn't hungry, I didn't think about food, I didn't care about food. And then my normal hunger slowly crept back. I thought about getting another fill but I know that I'm only going to be heading down the same path that lead to prior complications. 

I think revising to the sleeve is the best option for me because removing the band and having nothing is certainly not going to work and keeping the band is going to ultimately do permanent harm to my stomach if it hasn't already. 

But before I revise, I want to know from anyone who has done so, do you know what I'm talking about and do you get that feeling with the sleeve?

When my band was tight, it was like a switch was flipped in my brain. I didn't feel hunger, I could make good food choices, I wasn't controlled by my cravings, I didn't binge eat or eat around the band. But as soon as I started feeling less tight (as happens a few weeks after an adjustment) it was almost like the band wasn't there.


And no, I never had a leak or anything, it was just normal swelling from the adjustment that went down over time.

I am really hoping that what I would get with the sleeve is that kind of feeling a majority of the time and not just for a few weeks. Anyone know what I mean? And does it work like that for you?

Highest Wt: 274 / LAP-Band Low: 180 / Sleeved at 233 / Goal: 160!

on 10/24/14 6:41 am - Vancouver, WA

You should also post this in the sleeve forum, there are lots of band to sleevers there. Good luck to you!

on 10/26/14 5:33 am - Davison, MI

Like Hislady said, there are many of us band to sleevers on the vsg boards.  I was banded in '08 and know what you are talking about. but I never got to a spot where I wasn't hungry.  I had all the issues though.  I was unfilled twice.  I had regain.  I also with hard work lost when getting unfills ever month for the last 9 months.

I love the sleeve.  If you did that good with the band you will rock the sleeve.  I did.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 11/21/14 12:48 am

I am not a revised person, but I do have the sleeve and I am hungry all the time. I am thinking of getting revised from Sleeve to RNY.


on 11/30/14 5:47 am - Davison, MI

How far out are you?  Have you dealt with the head hunger issues with a therapist?

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 1/6/15 1:00 pm

@pineview I had a revision 11/10/14 to VSG because my band slipped. I am losing very slowly. Can you tell me how you did? I am 8 weeks post op I've only lost 10.5 lbs. 21 since preop. 

on 1/7/15 12:19 pm - Davison, MI

I was able to lose 100% of my EWL.  I was slow starting also.  After talking to my therapist (a WLS person herself) I scrapped the diet the new NUT was pushing and went on the one she had.  I upped my protein to 80-100 grams a day, upped the water to try hitting 100oz and keep net carbs down to 30/40.  

I don't get on much any more as my husband has developed major health issues.  So if you want to talk pm me and I will try to check in when possible.  I LOVE my sleeve as it is acting like I was told the band would and didn't.  Just not having the port pain allows me to be more active.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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