HELP!!!!!!! little over 3 years out and put on 27lbs

Angela R.
on 10/8/14 8:49 am - Jewett City, CT

Ok so here it is.. I lost 128 lbs and in the past 5 months I was in a car crash and did nothing but sit and eat. I think I might have stretched my pouch out.  I am not sure if anyone knows if we can shrink it back by going on a liquid diet?  I really need some help and support.. please I dont want to go back to what I was.


Revision Surgery from Lapband to Gastric Bypass... 1/3/11
Start 290 / Now 208/oal 180 (Doctor set goal)

on 10/9/14 4:52 am - Manchester, CT

I'm right there with you! I lost 128, and in about 5 months gained 30 :-(  I thought it was related to a medication change, because I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  So far nothing I've tried has worked to shake the weight off, and changing the meds won't work because for the first time in nearly 10 years I can actually let people touch me.  My nerves aren't a disaster, just the rest of my body is.  I do think I stretched my pouch because I can eat more than I could before.  I did weigh****chers, high protein, etc. The one thing I haven't tried is high exercise and going back to liquid/starting as if I was post-op, or going back to my surgeon and talking revision.  What are you considering?  

on 10/10/14 2:30 pm

Chances are you haven't stretched anything but are probably eating things that are easy to eat and aren't very dense.  I can have two bites of steak and feel full but if I have things like crackers, salad, popcorn, etc I can eat and eat, they aren't filling at all.  

To get the feeling of restriction back cut out the simple carbs, and go back to protein first.  At my meals I eat the protein, usually meat, then if I have room I have a bite or two of whatever else I am having.

When I go out to dinner I usually don't get a salad, just meat and side dish, usually a baked potato.  I try to eat as much of the meat as I can then I have a few bites of the potato if there is room.  The meat keeps me feeling full for a while.

Avoid snacking and grazing, stick with planned meals and stay away from impulse eating.  Ditch the junk so it isn't that accessible.  If others in the house want it they can eat it outside the house.  If you have healthy options available then you are more likely to choose those.

Also, try and have things prepared, like cutting up some fruit or veggies and portion them out so they are easy to take with you.  

I do have things like nuts but when I get them I measure them out and put them in single servings containers so I'm not tempted to continue eating them.  Basically it takes some planning to be successful.  Fail to plan, plan to fail, lol.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

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