RNY to Appollo over stitch

on 10/5/14 3:04 am - ROSEDALE, NY


I had RNY in 2010 and I gained all my weight back I currently weigh 304lbs. I never lost much first to begin with 70lbs lost with RNY. I'm considering having the Appollo but I'm wondering if that kind of revision would good for some like me who has so much weight to lose? Any feedback or advice is welcomed thanks

on 10/5/14 3:11 am

IN MY OPINION, the answer is NO. The Apollo *may* turn out to be a terrific procedure, but it's not been around long enough to have any long-term data available. Also, given you didn't lose much with your RNY the first time around, I think you'd do better with a more metabolically-active procedure like the Duodenal Switch.

HOWEVER---there are only a few surgeons qualified to revise an RNY to a true DS. Many will try to give you an ERNY and tell you it's "just like a DS", but it most emphatically IS NOT.

on 10/5/14 8:50 am - ROSEDALE, NY

I'm currently waiting to see what Dr. Roslin say when I meet with him next month. He doesn't seem too keen on doing the true DS. He into the SADI now.

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