First post ever - Band to Sleeve Revision

on 10/1/14 9:16 am - North Las Vegas, NV

So i've followed along and read posts periodically.  Today is the first time I decided to actually post something.  I had the band put in during June, 2012.  I had lost 105 pounds prior to my surgery just through diet and exercise.  I had a choice between the band and RNY.  My friends that had gone through the RNY procedure all told me to go RNY.  Instead, I listened to my doc and went band.  What a mistake.  Through my own stupidity and never being able to find the right restriction, I have ended up gaining back 60 pounds.  I'm sitting at 410 right now and am just furious that I let myself gain it back.  My new doc at Evans Army Hospital says I was destined to gain it back because of my original starting weight.  He never would have approved the band for me and wanted to see me succeed.  Well, I went through the entire pre-surgery process at Evans, only to find out that my BMI was too high for surgery there.  In passing, the doc mentioned an option to go to Madigan to have the revision.  However, he wanted to see me try and lose 50 pounds on my own to get down to their acceptable BMI for surgery.  Well, the opposite happened and I gained even more because I felt so defeated.

This was 7 months ago.  I finally decided to try and figure something out.  I remembered the doc mentioning Madigan.  I went in to the surgery clinic and asked about the program and was told that insurance would cover me flying to Washington for surgery and cover the whole trip, minus a rental car.  I just had to be approved.  Well, today I finally found out that I have been approved for revision to sleeve at Madigan Army Hospital.  I am so happy that it made me cry.  Me, a big tough 410 pound guy crying.  But, it's almost surreal.  Now, I'm just waiting to be scheduled and transported to Washington.  What I have been dreaming of for years is a possibility now.  I cannot wait to be able to run in the backyard with my son and play sports with him.  I know I have a long way to go, but some hope was restored in my life today.  I'm nervous, happy, anxious and ready.  Anyone every been through this process at Madigan?  Good luck to everyone and thanks for reading.

on 10/1/14 1:32 pm - Vancouver, WA

Don't know anything about Madigan but I did have a lap band and trust me the majority of us with bands haven't lost weight so you aren't alone. In fact many of us have permanent damage from the band so just be thankful you didn't have that to deal with that too. Congrats on getting your surgery going I'm sure you will do really well with the sleeve, most people do after banding and lose alot of their weight if not all. Just remember to not try to see how much you can eat because for several months after surgery your stomach will not feel anything because they cut the nerves. So if you think you feel hungry you aren't, it's most likely acid and you will need to taker an anti acid. Anyway you should start hanging on the sleeve forum there are several guys over there. Best of luck to you!!!

on 10/9/14 11:58 pm

I just got home from  band to sleeve revision. I had to go to Mexico to have it done, and now I have my sleeve. I can understand you crying, it is an emotional new beggining especially for us that have already failed at another surgery. I blame the band and I blame myself too for my past failure  and know this time I will do it right and that I have a much better  tool.   We will do better this time! 

on 10/12/14 8:36 pm - MD

I don't know anything about your program but I do know about your story. Unfortunately, it's the norm. Most banded people gain about half their weight back, eventually.  I did and I'm 7 years out. I'm 220 lbs and luckily realized early that I was out od control (again). I had went from 275 to 190 with my band. 

 I'm working on the pre-requirements for a sleeve revision to take place in Novemver.  I want to get to goal weight this time - 175.

did you know that you can also regain on the sleeve? I've met people who have already regained ALL of their weight. Especially those that don't follow diet rules and a healthy lifestyle, which were the hazards of the band too.  

Good luck with your journey. We all feel your pain.

on 10/18/14 5:12 am

just to share my experience at 2 weeks out with soon as the pain and swelling went away I became I'm unafraid to eat or drink and suddenly I'm left with the old me mentally who still wants all the old things I used to have. If I don't change my habits this will be a failure and that's on me no matter what surgery I picked. luckily my hospital has a wonderful support program and does months of post op classes and even fed us our very first post. Meal so we could see what kinds of foods to eat and what kind of portion sizes. It has to be protein first with a bite or two of fruits or veggies and that is it. sweets and carbs are reserved for maintenance and special occasions. It is definitely a struggle to do the right things even this early in the game. Right now the battle for me is all mental.

VSG Surgery 10/02/14

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