Sleeve to RNY

on 9/12/14 7:18 am
RNY on 11/10/14

Hello all. Haven't been to this site for a while. Was sleeved in 2010 and lost 76 pounds. Never got to goal. A year after I gained 40 back and have maintained that for two years. While I'm glad I didn't gain it all I'm so disappointed in myself. 

    Saw my surgeon Wednesday and he explained that sometimes with the sleeve your small intestine (I believe he said) gets used to digesting the partially digested food since it goes through the sleeve so fast, and them tolerates more food and different kinds. Also the hunger hormones that are mostly removed with the stretchy part of the stomach can regrowth their cells on other parts of the stomach and digestive areas and make you start feeling hungry again and more often. 

    He said I meet my insurances criteria for a revision so first step is endoscopy then he will submit letter for approval. We are going to do the RNY because I researched that and the DS and I and not up for the all the upkeep of the DS and he thinks I'll benefit with the malabsorption that you get in the beginning. I've been obese since childhood and do not know what a normal weight feels like. I pray this time I am more successful and this is the best choice for me. Would love to connect to anyone for support that may be going through this as well. Will keep you all posted. 



Virgie Tschirhart
on 9/12/14 8:55 am - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17

I am going for the RNY too.  I had the Sleeve back in 2009.  The LB in 2008.  Never got to my goal either.   Best wishes to you! !!

Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 9/12/14 11:40 am
RNY on 11/10/14

Thank you for replying! So good to know I'm not alone. My husband says he's skeptical it will work cuz nothing else has which makes me feel even more like a failure. Good luck to you too! Do you have a surgery date? I still have to get my endoscopy on the 22 then hopefully won't take long for approval. I'd like to keep in touch!

on 9/12/14 11:44 am

You will have good results with the RNY.  


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 9/12/14 12:02 pm
RNY on 11/10/14

Thank you :)







Virgie Tschirhart
on 9/13/14 12:34 pm - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17

I believe there are more of us out there, struggling with the Sleeve.  No, I don't have a surgery date yet.  I have to wait after 27 November 14 so the office can turn in the paper work on my 4 visits to the Nut, etc to BCBS Federal.  Yes, lets keep in touch.....Blessings to you bublegirl1!!!

Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 9/14/14 12:10 pm
RNY on 11/10/14

I went to add you as my friend and it said we are already friends! I must have added you back in 2010 when I had my sleeve! How funny! Sucks that we are having issues but glad to not be alone! Maybe we will have the RNY close together too. Who knows? PM if you want, whenever you want. :)







on 10/16/14 4:05 am

I am so glad you posted this.  I had the band in 2009 and with constant problems, never maintained any weight loss.  I went to the doctor yesterday and she suggested the bypass.  I have to go thru 3 months of supervised diet by my primary doctor and then can look at the options. 

on 10/16/14 5:02 am
RNY on 11/10/14

Good for you for going back to look at your options! I was nervous my doc would be disappointed and I was embarrassed but he was very nice. Please keep in touch and let me know how it all goes!! PM me any time also. 







Leisa B.
on 11/9/14 5:24 pm - Australia

Hello bublegirl1

Had my surgeon's appointment today RE: revision from sleeve to RNY. Doctor would do the revision next week but I need a little more time,thinking of next year. I have major GORD from the sleeve and cannot take the GORD meds. I still have my diabetes and have regained weight. I was sleeved in January 2008. Looking at March 2015 for RYN.    
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