VBG revision to RNY scheduled for 08/14/14, any tips
I am very nervous about surgery this time around, more than 1st time. It should be easier I think since it is lap and not open but I am now 62 so healing might take longer. Any last minute tips? I have my preop Tuesday and ultrasound of my gallbladder to determine if they are going to go ahead and remove it too!
I hope went well with your revision. I had my VBG to RNY revision in January. Take it very easy. It took me almost 3 months before I started to feel like my old (well, should I say NEW self :-) Make sure to sip-sip-sip your water!!!! I use a bit of fruit juice or water flavoring to help get my liquids in. Take your vitamins. I found a great gummy vitamin that is also a pre-natal vitamin. I love it and it keeps me healthy. Don't get discouraged if your weight doesn't come off all at once. I found my revision weight loss is a little slower but I have lost close to 90 pounds at this time. I am so happy with my weight loss.
Welcome to the other side!!! :-)