Lap-band removal..where to start?

Teresa C.
on 7/30/14 11:18 am - N. Charleston, SC

I have had my lapband since 2007. I like most did well to begin with. Lost 90lbs...gained all but 25lbs back. At this point I could care less about the weight I am in so much pain! It feels like someone is twisting a knife in my stomach and twisting it. The last time I did go to my bariatric doctor they said the band needed to come out and that was 3 years ago. I know I am noncompliant, but I no longer have insurance to cover it and haven't for almost 3 years. My insurance has bariatric exclusion. I can not afford a stay in a hospital, but honestly I'm starting to fear for my health/life. Any suggestions or encouragement anyone can give me please?


on 7/30/14 1:37 pm - Vancouver, WA

I had to finally just suck it up and get it out at my own expense because according to tests it was fine. However it caused the same type of pain you describe. Have you tried going to the ER with it? Sometimes if it is bad enough they will take it out but insurance may not cover it still. I had to go to the hospital because my heart kept racing and I had the stomach pain too. Seriously you have to deal with this I know of people who have come within hours of dying because of their bands, if they erode into your stomach they can cause sepsis and gangrene which can kill you. I also know a few people who have actually lost their stomachs altogether because of damage from the band. Please do what you have to do to get it out. I still haven't gotten my final bill so don't know what it will be but like my husband said my, my life is more important than a hospital bill. We'll pay what we can and that's all we can do. Good luck and at least find out what is going on with your band before it ends up being too late!

on 7/30/14 10:27 pm - Dayton, OH
VSG on 07/22/14

I agree, go to the ER or if you have reflux, go to your bariatric surgeon for that condition, insurance will pay for that, from what I've learned by experience, and go from there. But you can't talk about the band being the issue until you are in the room.  


275 SW 8/5/08LB 165MW 2009-11, LB complications 2010-14

7-22-14 Revision LB to VSG 212SW/192CW/159GW  HT 5'7"



on 8/5/14 2:40 pm - Davison, MI

My insurance had a once in a lifetime WLS policy.  But due to all my medical issues with the band they agreed to pay for removal.  I had the constant pain in my stomach like a knife when I did any lifting or work.  My issue in regards to that was the body made a pseudo capsule of scare tissue around it and it attached to my innards.  Any time I would lift or they tipped the port, which was tipped in the capsule, it would pull on my inside causing the knife like pain.

I did have all the documentation from all the test and problems and with this did a verbal appeal with my insurance.  They verified all the info with my medical center and they talked I talked to the head of customer service and referral and they talked to the head of medical review and they agreed it was a medical necessity to have it removed.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 8/5/14 3:04 pm - WA
RNY on 08/13/13
I was a self pay. Went to MX and the used the same surgeon who did my band, for my band removal and revision to RNY. It's a fraction of the cost in MX versus US, had terrific care, and my insurance, Kaiser, picks up all of my aftercare - labs, etc. I know what you are going thru - I had a failed band as well and needed it to come out. I wish you the best of luck, but for your own health, you need to take care of your current issues.

Lapband surgery in 2009 -  Revision to RNY August 13, 2013 with gallbladder removal.

HW - (260)   SW - (197)   GW - (135), updated on 1-2-14 to 125lbs  HT 5'5"  Goal reached 3/2/14-revised goal to 120 on 3/9/14   reached 4/6/14             


on 8/10/14 4:15 am - MA

Which surgeon did you use in MX?  I am in the same position and am researching a revision in Mexico.  Would love to have a surgeon reference.

on 8/9/14 11:58 am

I had mine put in by Dr Ortiz in Tijuana and he also does removals for somewhere around seven thousand or less. The care is excellent and they pick you up from the airport in San Diego and take you to the clinic and hotel. Also I was able to get financing in the payments were very reasonable.

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