Revision from Sleeve to Bypass on July 16th

on 7/22/14 11:50 am
RNY on 07/16/14

Main reason was for severe GERD unable to control by medicine and of course some weight regain.  Never got to goal on sleeve and gained back half of what I lost.

When I had the sleeve in 9/2011, the recovery was amazing, no pain whatsoever.  After about 2 hours in my room after surgery I was asking to get up and walk.  I did great.

Had bypass a week ago.  Did have a small complication. During the leak test right after surgery, he found a leak at the connection between the intestine and the pouch.  He said he had stapled, oversewn and than glued it.  He also put a drain in which he hadn't planned to.  My day after UGI should no leak so hoping all is okay.

Now for recovery.  When I woke up in the recovery room, I had to say that was the worse pain I had ever been in (I've had a few surgeries too).  It took a long time for them to control the pain before they moved me to the room.  The first time out of bed, I could only sit in the chair, not walk any.  I shook uncontrollably.  Had surgery on Wednesday and discharged from hospital Friday.  Ran a low grade fever and had low oxygen levels during that time.  The dr. was concerned but my temperature returned to normal before they discharged me.  The fever increased again but now this morning it was 97.9 so that's a good sign.  Never expected to be so painful since the sleeve was a piece of cake.  The dr. said it was due to the longer surgery time and the leak.  Not sure how long in surgery, he predicted 2 hours but think it was closer to 4.  My friend waiting for me said that the guy having surgery right after me was told to come at the same time (5:30 a.m.)  feel sorry for him, I would not have been so patient.

Finally my Dr. is the most amazing and compassionate dr. I've ever had.  He was going on vacation with his family on Friday.  He was so concerned about me that the showed up several more times than I expected and a final time at 5:30 a.m. on Friday morning.  Couldn't believe when I turned over and saw it was him.  Good thing that my friend had stayed the night and saw him too.  Would have thought it was a drug induced vision.  

I feel 10x better this morning.  Went shopping for awhile.  Getting all my fluids in (easier than the sleeve, guess I'm used to the restriction) and walking.  Actually slept some on my stomach last night.  Never would have thought I'd come this far in a week.


on 7/22/14 2:29 pm
Revision on 07/29/14

Glad to hear your feeling better.  I to am looking to revise from the sleeve to the rny.  I'm hoping it goes a little better than yours did.  I too had a easy sleeve surgery.  Good luck on your journey.



(deactivated member)
on 7/28/14 12:16 pm - NJ
Revision on 07/23/14

It is great to hear that you are recovering nicely! I revised my RNY ON July 23rd and my story is similar to you in the respect that on my second night in the hospital I had a 101 fever and my oxygen levels were low. The nurse called my doctor and his instructions were to get me upright in a chair and have me take Tylenol. Soon enough the fever broke and I was feeling better. I made sure that I used my incentive spirometer and walked even more that day! I was discharged from the hospital on late Saturday afternoon, and I was apprehensive about how comfortable I was going to be at home because I would be getting less intense pain medication and my doctor left my drain in, but I was wrong, home was the best thing for me! Every day I am feeling better and stronger. Tomorrow is my first post op doctor's appointment, and I hope my drain will be coming out, but I doubt it because I am still producing liquid. I am still taking pain meds but trying to take only when necessary. The main source of pain is a 2 in*****ision on my right side where the doctor had to stretch the muscle to remove the excess stomach and scar tissue. I hope like you I willbe sleeping on my stomach soon!!

on 7/29/14 4:46 am

Have you lost any weight yet. I'm going for revision on aug9th. I'm nervous of not loosing. I will be resleeved if my pouch is not stretched out. I will have RNY. What were your weights and now. I would like to keep in touch if you don't mind to keep up with how well your doing.

    My first goal 

(deactivated member)
on 7/29/14 5:43 am - NJ
Revision on 07/23/14

I was 276 when I started my pre-op diet. By the day before my surgery, I was down to 268. In the hospital, I got weighed the day after my surgery and I was 274. I guess I gained weight due to all the air and IV fluid that was put into my body. My first post- op doctor visit  was today and they weighed me in at 261, so so far, so good! I am so glad I did this! I'm still sore but already feel different! We can most definitely keep in touch! 

on 8/4/14 1:13 pm
RNY on 07/16/14

Almost three weeks since surgery and boy it makes a difference.  Feeling good, although still a little tired.  Tomorrow I get to start soft foods.

I've lost 20 lbs since day of surgery.   I'd been warned that it would be slower since I was a revision and as my dr. said a relative light weight, was 243 day of surgery.  Didn't have to do the liquid diet pre op.  Watched my carbs and fat and on the day before all clear liquids.

The liquid & mushy stage has been hard, harder than the sleeve but some of that's in my mind.  Also craving certain foods more this time.  Kinda weird I think.

I'm really craving Diet Coke.  With the sleeve I stopped and didn't really crave, guess I was too scared to think about it.   After about 6 months, I started drinking it again, not too the point as before.   I stopped the day before surgery, so no caffeine or diet coke.  Would love to have a small glass but I'm being strong.  My hope is not to start it AT ALL.

Anxious to see how my stomach is going to reach to real food, think that scares me the most after the bypass.

on 8/13/14 4:22 pm - Cherry Hill, NJ

I blame Diet Coke formy regained weight.  I was doing great after 1st surgery until I started drinking it again.  I started off slowly but quickly gained tolerance.  I think the DC stretched out my pouch which then allowed me to eat more.  Try to stay away from it.

on 7/30/14 3:07 am

I am so glad to hear your story, and it looks like I am in the same spot as you.  Intense GERD and a hiatal hernia have lead me to revise my sleeve to a RNY.  I am trying to get everything done before school starts on the 18th, and my doctor has been fabulous to accommodate me.  It's an emotional process personally to choose the revision since my sleeve wasn't successful from the beginning- having had complications left and right, but I am ready to be without the constant heart burn pills and awful liquid medicine. 

(deactivated member)
on 8/10/14 2:41 pm - Hendersonville, TN

When I had the sleeve 4 years ago what was known "then" was that there wasn't a revision to RNY, only revision to DS. So what changed? I haven't been on OH in 2 years and I'm beginning to explore options. Thanks! 

on 8/11/14 1:40 am
RNY on 07/16/14

When I had the sleeve 3 years ago, didn't really pay much attention to revision.  Never thought I'd do anything else.   I know that many people believe if you already have the sleeve the best way to revise is to do the DS.  This works for weight loss but not for reflux.

I started looking at RNY when at about 2 years out my reflux started worst than I'd ever had.  When they did a 24 hour monitoring test on me, even on prilosec, the results showed I had severe reflux.  There were times I'd wake up in the middle of the night choking on it,  all of this on meds 2x a day.    I didn't have a hiatal hernia either, as a matter of fact my sphincter at the lower esophagus was tight, so medically I shouldn't have had the reflux.

I really struggled with my decision to have the revision.  The dr first mentioned about a year ago and I was totally against it. The only thing my surgeon recommended was the RNY.   When I mentioned the DS, it was possible since it wouldn't help reflux.  As I understand he created a pouch from the top part of my sleeve and than did the intestine reroute.  I don't believe anything has changed except for they are finding more people who have the sleeve a few years down the road are developing reflux.  I think if you have reflux to begin with, they are less likely to recommend the sleeve.

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