VSG People - Do you have acid reflux?

Sally L.
on 7/18/14 6:47 am

Thank you, MsBatt.  That is what I was wanting, real experiences of real people.  I appreciate you taking the time to share.

SALLY - banded May 9, 2007 Check out my new fun fall photos!

on 7/18/14 7:21 am

No reflux issues. I've had the sleeve for two years.

on 7/20/14 12:38 am - WA
RNY on 08/13/13
I had the band and experienced extreme reflux. Didn't sleep lying down for almost a year. Talked to surgeon about revising to sleeve and he said sleeve wouldn't eliminate reflux and that his recommendation would be revise to RNY. Best decision I made. I haven't had 1 bout of reflux since my revision. My brother has the sleeve and he still suffers from reflux.

Lapband surgery in 2009 -  Revision to RNY August 13, 2013 with gallbladder removal.

HW - (260)   SW - (197)   GW - (135), updated on 1-2-14 to 125lbs  HT 5'5"  Goal reached 3/2/14-revised goal to 120 on 3/9/14   reached 4/6/14             


on 7/26/14 1:56 pm - Davison, MI

I had the same experience with extreme reflux with the band.  I revised to sleeve and that eliminated the reflux.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 7/29/14 11:37 am

This is good to hear! I only have reflux with my band when they tighten it, so I'm hoping getting the sleeve will eliminate that! 

on 7/24/14 4:46 pm - Canada

Hi Sally,

I had the sleeve in 2011. A friend of mine had the lap band and was having the same symptoms as you. She had it taken out and because of that, I decided on the sleeve rather than the band.

I had been suffering from acid motility issues since 2007 and had a lot of gas at times when I ate. Note that I NEVER had acid reflux up the esophagus. I was on PPIs pre-op which was a big help. I thought the sleeve might actually cure me of my problem...along with get me to a good weight as I was in the "obese" category weight-wise. I had heard that a lot of the acid producing cells in the stomach are supposedly cut out during the sleeve procedure and that the sleeve might actually cure me of gastro-intestinal issues. That was not the case. 

During the sleeve procedure, the surgeon found that I had a hiatal hernia which he repaired. However, after the sleeve surgery, I actually developed GERD (reflux up the esophagus) and the only way to keep it in check now is through PPI use for life. I have a very good gastro-intestinal specialist who has told me about the possible long-term side effects of taking PPIs on a daily basis and is working with me to do a "one day on PPI"-"one day on H2 blocker" treatment routine. It is working okay but I seriously don't want to stay on meds the rest of my life, nor do I want the side effects.

I have had the RNY bypass recommended to me by two surgeons as a way to cure my GERD. I'm resisting it because I don't want to deal with nutrient deficiencies...it's why I chose the sleeve procedure in the first place. Now I'm just not sure because I haven't read about a lot of people dying because of these deficiencies...they just need to take supplements for the rest of their life which I am already doing since my sleeve procedure.

Since my GERD issue arose though, I have also read many reports of sleevers battling GERD. Not the majority, but it does happen and I'm one of the sufferers. Just to let you know. I wish doctors would tell their patients this or give them statistics before performing the surgery. It might have changed my mind completely at the time.

Now that I have talked about my issues with GERD and the sleeve, I'd like to address your issue regarding your father and stomach cancer. (Sorry to hear about your loss, btw. Lost my mom recently to cancer and still dealing with it.)

Anyways, a few years back, a colleague of mine went in for the bypass because stomach cancer ran in her family. She had too many family members die of it so her physician suggested she get the bypass and have her stomach completely removed. I was wondering if that would be a scenario you might consider. Ask your doctor. You wouldn't have to worry about developing GERD and you wouldn't need to worry about stomach cancer. I don't know all the ins and outs with that kind of thing so your doctor would know best.

And if you do choose the sleeve, also ask your doctor about the chances of catching stomach cancer in the early stages and the cure rate. I've had a friend die of it and from what I heard, by the time you catch it even with regular check-ups, it is often too late. So having the sleeve for that reason alone might not be the best choice. Again, not to be a downer but I just want to give you things to think about here and possible questions for your G.P.

Good luck in whatever choice you make.


Sally L.
on 7/27/14 1:27 pm

Dear BETS, (I abbreviated your user name.  Hope you don't mind!)

Thank you for your honest and thoughtful reply.  I have a lot of food for thought now.  I am so sorry for your issues with GERD.  So I take it that the meds are controlling it?  What are some of the long-term side effects that your GI doctor mentioned?  That scares me!  I totally agree with you that surgeons should be upfront about ALL of the pros and cons of the procedures.  I feel like my surgeon talked me into the band, and that was with him knowing that I would only lose a percentage of my excess body weight.  Shame on me for not researching it more carefully!  The band did help me to lose 110 pounds, so I don't totally regret it, but I truly believe it was not the best option for me, and I wish I would have held my ground for what I wanted to do in the first place.  

I have never heard of anyone having their stomach completely removed!  What kind of bypass are they recommending?  RnY was not my best option, according to my doc, because it would make part of my stomach impossible to check out if there were cancer concerns. You are correct that it is hard to catch until it is too late.  My doctor thought that the sleeve would remove enough of the stomach so that it would not be as much of a risk, but if I am going to have all of the GERD issues, I am not sure that it is my best option either.  I do have a good friend *****vised to the sleeve and she is loving it and not having any issues with GERD.  I guess each case is different, but I sure do wish I knew percentages of people who have that problem.

Again, thanks  for your reply and your kindness.  I am sorry for your loss too.  Losing parents is definitely hard.  I wish you well as you decide how to proceed.




SALLY - banded May 9, 2007 Check out my new fun fall photos!

on 7/27/14 2:08 pm - TN
VSG on 01/14/14

I do not have reflux.  I had the sleeve done 6 months ago.  Same family history of stomach cancer - grandmother died of it 30 years ago, mother has it now.  I was not going to risk having a floating stomach, growing cancer, that no one could scope.  With 90% of my stomach gone, I'm sort of considering it not only WLS but a prophylactic surgery.  Just like some women choose to have their breasts removed if they have the breast cancer gene. 

Good luck as you make your decision!


 M1 -26, M2 -14, M3 -14, M4 -12, M5 -12, M6 -11, M7 -10, M8 -12, M9 -5, Goal Reached 9 months and 14 days



Virgie Tschirhart
on 8/26/14 12:25 pm, edited 8/26/14 12:26 pm - Midwest City, OK
RNY on 12/27/17

I had acid reflux with my lap band in 2008 and developed a Hiatal Hernia.  It did not work out for me so in 2009 I revised to a Sleeve.  I did not lose that much weight with the Sleeve and I still have bad acid reflux and the Hiatal Hernia is much bigger now.  So, this time I want a RNY.  I hope my insurance will approve my surgery.  Hope things work out for you.     

Virgie Tschirhart

Lap Band - 2008, Sleeve - 2009, RYN - 2017

Started Program Weight July 13, 2017 - 194.2

Before Surgery Weight December 27, 2017 - 185.0

Current Weight - February 2018 - 161.0

on 8/24/18 3:40 pm

Did the RNY? Solve the issue with your acid Reflux?

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