Does anyone know the success rate of a revision to a Gastric Bypass RNY

on 7/9/14 11:06 pm

Hi, I had a gastric bypass in 11/2002.  I have gained back a lot of the weight.  I am about 50 less then my initial starting weight 12 years ago.  I have just scheduled an appt with a different doctor to see about a revision.  I have that appt on 8/7.  I have been doing some reading about people that have had revisions and it seems as though many people only lose approximately 30 - 40lbs the second time around.   I want to shave off a good 60lbs minimum.  I don't want to go through all of that again for just thirty pounds.  The first time was VERY difficult.  I acquired nerved damage from that last surgery which was beyond painful.

anyone have any insight.  right now I do not know my next step until I meet with Dr. Duncan in a little less than a month, so I figured I would ask to see what others experiences may have been like. 


Thank you for taking the tine to reed. 



on 7/12/14 2:37 am

My thoughts are that if gastric bypass didn't work the first time around, why would it work the second time.  I has gastric bypass in May of 2008....lost about 80 lbs and gained 50 of it back.  Had severe reactive hypoglycemia which interfered with weight loss.  I had to eat all the time to keep my blood sugar from crashing.  It didn't matter what I ate.  My body did not like the gastric body wanted its pyloric valve back.

I revised to the duodenal switch (DS) in April 2011.  Best decision I ever made.  Your surgeon is not a RNY to DS revision surgeon, so you would need to go to a different surgeon.  And don't let ANY surgeon tell you that an ERNY is the same as a DS....IT IS NOT.  There are only a handful of surgeons that are routinely recommended as this is the most complex of all revisions.  Not any DS surgeon can do this kind of revision.  It is MUCH MORE DIFFICULT that a revision to ERNY.  The surgeon needs to reconnect your pouch to your remnant stomach and then form the sleeve stomach.  He would then rearrange the intestinal bypass. 

This would be your best chance of losing the weight you want and keeping it off, IMO.  Again, I stress that you need to find an experienced surgeon for this kind of revision.  Where are you located?  Two of the best are in CA.

RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 7/16/14 8:22 am

Totally depends on what type of revision, but like the other poster said, your dr is not one to do the RNY to DS revision, and the DS is without a doubt the most likely to get one to goal and maintain it. 

on 8/19/14 12:25 am

Thank you to you both.  I sincerely appreciate ALL of the feedback. 

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