Removal of eroded lap band and revision to sleeve?
I have MVP, they denied my revision but approved the removal of my band due to GERD. I had to appeal, for the revision to the sleeve. After the second level appeal, I was approved. My insurance is supposed to provide a "continuity of care" which I used as leverage in my appeal. My insurance only covers one WLS per lifetime unless medically necessary. I argued the medically necessary point and also mentioned that obesity is now considered a disease. The band has now been proven to be less effective than we were promised and is also very dangerous in many cases. When I had my band out, the surgeon said it had slipped up on my esophagus. Good grief, I wonder why I had GERD?? Doing well now after the revision and have lost 20 pounds so far. Long story short, appeal. Best of luck to you! Michelle
In my experience it is best to have an eroded band removed and wait at least 6 months before considering another wls surgery. If your erosion has already been detected removing it as soon as possible is safer.
I cannot offer any insight into the insurance situation unfortunately.
Good luck !
Dr. Alberto Aceves
Yes, the more I read, the more I think I should wait between the two procedures. The last thing I want are more uncovered complications to deal with. This whole thing is really upsetting me right now. Sorry, don't mean to whine . . . I have just been having so much stomach pain and just want this thing out!