I'm having revision from Band to Bypass tomorrow.....
I am having surgery tomorrow from band to bypass and I'm scared....I don't remember having this much anxiety when I got my Lap-band back in 2004. Yes I was younger and I felt like the world was just opening up for me….but now I feel like ok if I fail I have a lot more to lose…..I know I’m sounding negative but this is how I feel….I don’t want to fail……and food is an addiction that I have to face daily. I just feel like I will be isolated from friends…I have already declined going places these last 3 days that I have been on a liquid diet because I didn’t want to face the temptation of everyone else eating good looking food. Such is life..I will make it through….I just hope I have the willpower I keep telling myself I have, but then again it I had willpower I may not need this surgery. You all be blessed and good luck on your journey.
You can't even compare the band and RNY because they are 2 totally different kinds of surgery, the band didn't work for lots of us. It is a joke of a WLS and almost destines you to fail. The RNY has worked for years but you still have to diet and exercise, also you will have to deal with any psychological issues that may be contributing to weight gain. You may want to check out Overeaters Anonymous they even have on line groups I believe. Do take advantage of the first 12-18 mos. of your surgery because that's when your malabsorbtion works its best. You have a very good chance of losing a great deal of weight if you follow your surgeons directions, good luck to you!