on 3/30/14 10:28 am - MI
I went to my PCP about a year ago with issues with my sugar levels she had me checking 3x a day... I was fine for the month she had me checking...She told me I was fine blah blah blah....WHEN really I KNEW SOMETHING WAS NOT RIGHT!!!! I called my Bariatric Surgeon crying that something was wrong with me....He immediately got me in to see the dietitian . She put me on a Hypoglycemic diet and it didn't help me at all...My episodes can happen at any time no rhyme or reason...I will just drop... They referred me to a Endocrine specialist and I've been on different pills and shots and they are not helping at this point either I have been referred to the Mayo Clinic...I am now experiencing bad anxiety due to the fact I can be in public and drop to at 40 on the drop of a dime....If any of you know anything about sugar levels and hypoglycemia this is a VERY DANGEROUS LIFE THREATING CONDITION....My job is now in jeopardy as I'm dropping at work and I NO longer drive due to dropping while I've been driving in the past....My Endo Dr just told me last week to fill out my paperwork for disability....We have talked with my surgeon about a feeding tube to see if it will help with my levels but decided against it as I just had lab work done and my vitamin A, D and Iron are all critically low....I am scheduled to go to the OR on April 21st to have a revision from a RNY to a Sleeve.....I PRAY that this will work I have a 80-90% chance it will correct it all.....So anyone whom is suffering from this I FEEL FOR YOU!!!!! It totally changes your life.....I feel trapped in a body I don't even know anymore....I'm scared...scared of surgery again, scared of it not working, scared of my levels dropping in surgery, scared to drive, scared to leave my house at this point....BTW I'm only 36 years old....THIS HAS COMPLETELY CHANGED MY LIFE...... I AM THE MASTER AT COUNTING CARBS AND POKING MY FINGERS AND HAVING ALL MY SUPPLIES WITH ME AT ALL TIMES (EMERGENCY INJECTION KIT CALLED GLUCAGON) GLUCOSE GEL, GLUCOSE DRINKS AND TABLETS....AND MY PILLS I TAKE EVERYTIME I EAT TO HELP WITH ABSORBTION OF CARBS....

 Amy Signor

(deactivated member)
on 3/30/14 5:19 pm - riverside, CA

I have this at times as well.  Certainly not to this severity.  Mine usually happens when my thyroid levels are not as high as they need to be.  I cannot eat much in the way if carbs or my body overreacts and I have this.  I did not know you could have a VSG after you have had a RNY?  

on 3/30/14 9:55 pm - MI
They are putting "Humpty Dumpty" back together because of the severity of my malabsorption issues and the severe hypoglycemia...Studies show if they fix my malabsorption with reconnecting my intestines I will not have these issues anymore due to the fact I will not have the malabsorption going on that you have with the RNY. I will be the 3rd person at my Dr's office to have a RNY to a VGS I'm not sure of the extent of the others issues other than its just malabsorption. Mine will be the first to hopefully correct the severe hypoglycemia that I have going on....I pray that this works and I can have my life back but I am scared to death....Everyone just keeping saying positive thoughts....Logically if you think about it, it should work because I will be all reconnected on the inside.....IT HAS TO WORK....

 Amy Signor

on 3/31/14 11:14 am - Ottawa, Canada
Sorry that you're suffering so much. I too have been suffering from hypoglycemia for the last couple of years. I didn't know what was wrong with me and had to take a couple of months off work each of the last 2 years. This summer was really bad and I was also having what I thought was pancreatic attacks. I'm still not sure what that was, but I went back to see my bariatric specialist and he confirmed that I do have hypoglycemia, internal hernia and my stomach has reattached (gastrogastric fistula). I'm having surgery on April 28th to repair the hernia and determine the extent of the fistula. The hypoglycemia I'm trying to manage through diet. Not always working. I'm starting back to work tomorrow after being off since the middle of December. I'm hoping I can manage.

By the way, I had RNY in 2008. Didn't know about the possibility of VGS to help with hypoglycemia. Good luck and keep us posted on how you make out!
on 4/14/14 11:55 am - Ypsilanti, MI

I am going thru something similar and as soon as I am well enough to have surgery that is what my doctor recommends rny to vsg. I will keep you posted and please due the same.


on 5/29/17 3:15 pm - AZ

Hello Amy,

I was having the exact same issues as you and the did a revision to a sleeve as well and now I can eat everything. I no working out but I would love to see if you have any tips.

Kim C.

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