Possible Lap Band to Gastric Bypass revision
I was banded in March 2010. I followed everything to the letter. I was close to the green zone. Then in early 2012, I got a really bad flu then started having issues with the band since then. Band was too tight late 2012, got a complete unfill, got a band holiday for three months. Two small fills in 2013. Few weeks ago, had regurgitation at night, reflux, etc. Had an upper endoscopy, thought I had a hiatal hernia...turns out it's an esophageal dilation. My doctor told me that I have options...I can keep the band or I can slowly refill the band and see what happens or I can revise to the gastric bypass. I am at the point where I don't want to keep my band. I had 2.5cc in which is way less than what I had before and it was too tight???!!! I gained about 20 lbs last year and am not happy about that so I am afraid to just get the band out so I am thinking about revising. I wanted to hear from people who have revised to the bypass from the band and hear their experiences. I'm frustrated and scared and worried (that my insurance won't cover it). Help me please!!!

Lap-Band 3/26/10; Revision to gastric bypass 5/19/17; CW:220; GW:140
I've had the band 8 years and after 1 slip, 1 HH and at least one year of reflux, I have dilatation. MY surgeon says the new thinking is to remove the band. You need to protect your esophagus at all costs. Luckily, he's removing and revising to RNY during one surgery. I never wanted RNY and despite the problems, I have been happy with my band. Lost 200 lbs and kept it off. It will be great not to have to get filled/unfilled so often, as was my pattern. When the band didn't work (reflux, no weight loss) I blamed myself, for that is how my mind works. I'm back on obesity help and learning that the band is now notorious for causing these problems. I have been unfilled completely for about 3 weeks and my symptoms are GONE. also is any restriction. Because I've been in pain with daily vomiting I will admit that enjoying food is nice, but without some sort of device my weight will balloon. Research, research, research. My RNY is scheduled for 4/14. good luck, Sandra.
Sandra, I also hate the fill/unfill process and that is why I want to revise as well. I knew going in with the band that it would require tweaking, and that is part of why it appealed to me...that it wasn't permanent if I had issues. However, with 2.5cc in my band and not being able to eat very much...not satisfied with food at all...and having all the issues I have is not worth it anymore. I am so sick of it!!! It's demoralizing at this point. I know people with more in their band and who can eat more and don't have issues. I feel like no matter how slow I eat or what I do, I still have issues. And I have blamed myself the whole time. Obviously, there is something wrong!!

Lap-Band 3/26/10; Revision to gastric bypass 5/19/17; CW:220; GW:140
Both stories are familiar ones. I did the endoscopy, had issues, had the band unfilled 6 weeks and started over again. Than did it over again and was unfilled 8 weeks and started over again. At 2.5 years reflux got really bad and the unfilling started until the port was no longer accessible without pain so bad I couldn't stand it and they took it all out. My reflux went away when the band was removed.
You both need to get those band out. OP check with your insurance right away. Even if you have to wait and fight to get the revision. At least you will stop further damage.
People are getting bands out faster than being placed. Some are still placing them as they make so much money filling and unfilling them. Many respectable centers have stopped placing them and those that do try to steer them towards the sleeve. Ours will do bands if the client is set on it. Two surgeons left over it.
I have my band completely unfilled right now....my doctor did it last week. I am liquids this week, mushies next week, upper GI following week to make sure dilation has fixed itself then my surgeon and I will plan surgery. I want to get the band out and the bypass done in the same day. I was wondering how your body feels with food after having the revision to bypass. I have my mind made up to revise....I'm just curious if people have had a good experience with that. I have done tons of research...I am that girl LOL....so mostly it seems positive. Due to my reflux and regurgitation, my surgeon does not believe that the sleeve would be a good option so bypass will be it for me. Thanks for any more input.

Lap-Band 3/26/10; Revision to gastric bypass 5/19/17; CW:220; GW:140
You were all so smart to get the revision going so quickly. I had some fluid removed in 2010 after an episode and altho I do have some restriction, not much, it is only because I have gone 4 years and regained all the weight I had lost. I did not think I would be able to revise because I had stopped coming on the boards here a short time after getting the band.
Good for you for getting it going!! I am seeing my surgeon in April and hope he will revise.
good luck all!
I had similar problems with the Lap Band. I had it placed in 2007. I had it removed 12/2/13 - one of the best days of my life! My surgeon wanted to wait at least 6 weeks before doing the revision to RNY - so my stomach could heal and give him a better idea for pouch size during the revision. I was very frustrated at first, not wanting to wait, having to go thru two different operations wasn't what i wanted; but I trusted my new surgeon (I had to fire the one who put in the band as he refused to acknowledge there was a legitimate problem w/ the band). After 8 LONG weeks between the band coming out & the revision on 2/24/14 - I'm glad I did wait. He said there was a LOT of scar tissue where the band was making it a bit more difficult for the revision.
I had multiple fills/unfills, GERD, finally under the last endoscopy they found the Hiatal Hernia - hence all the reasons for the wicked heartburn even w/ the lap band out!
If I could have turned back time & not been so chicken, I would have done the RNY back in 2007. I weighed more at the time I went in for the RNY than when I went in for the Lap Band.
Fortunately I have wonderful insurance and a great team for doctors/staff. I followed their requests, played the game by their rules & everything went smooth, now just have to keep up w/ the recovery process so I can go back to work soon.
I hope everyone else has good luck with any revisions.
Hi RebaKemp72 - I had a lapband as well in 2007. I had some really bad heartburn and reflux problems as well and had the band unfilled for 3 months in 2012. Gained back 20 lbs. I am now wanting to do the revision to RNY. And like you I wish i had just done it back in 2007 ,but I was scared.
My question for you - is two fold - 1st are the chances less that I would have the heartburn problem with the RNY? I haven't looked at that in depth. Also, you mention "playing the game and following their rules" - I am wondering what I should be prepared for when I go into my surgeon to request or talk about a revision. I am just not sure what they will be looking for and what I will have to do/ prove in order to get the revision covered by insurance.
Thanks for any insight or help you can give!
Your story is common. The failed band group is full of them. You should join and add your if you haven't. The surgeon I was suppose to have has you wait at least 2 months and the one I ended up with has you wait 4-6 months. I too was upset at first but, the longer I am on these boards the gladder I am that they make you wait. Those that report problems have the surgery same day, not that all those that do it in one do. It just seems to increase the odds. You will be glad they are doing the best for you.
I personally didn't have reflux prior to the band. All my problems were band induced. By waiting and letting the stomach heal I was able to get the sleeve. Sometimes they get in there and even with the wait the damage is so bad they can only do a RNY. I am a year out with the sleeve and am off the PPI's they put us on after all the WLS and they reflux is now gone as long as I follow the rules like don't eat and than lay down to sleep. So chili and going right to be is still out but, that would always cause a problem .
The Crapband was the worst decision ever. My revision to RNY was my best decision ever.
Good luck - I hope it all works out for you!!!