Revising from sleeve to RNY and hiatal hernia
Hi Everybody!
I haven't been on this site for over a year. I had a sleeve done in May 2011, and 13 months later, I began having very severe acid reflux. When this started, I felt starved. I was feeling so hungry that I would wake up all night to eat. So, I have gained back 60 pounds of the 100 pounds I lost. I went to see a local bariatric surgeon, who had me do many tests. What he found was a hiatal hernia, and my stomach has moved up 3-4cm into my esophagus, over my diaphragm. So, on January 13, 2014, I will be having the hernia repaired and my sleeve revised to an RNY.
Has anybody had a similar experience? I could really use some advice.
thanks! Heidi
on 1/2/14 6:55 am
Gagner is suggesting another surgery? Too bad you are so far north of the good revision surgeons, because it's a shame to go through a surgery that may be unnecessary, especially to end up with a pouch and lose your pyloric valve.
Two other common reasons for reflux (and both certainly were for me) are weight gain, and eating at night. I hope you get things resolved.
Twitter: @ScrogginsFamily
I had a similar experience. I had a lap band almost 7 years ago. I had reflux really bad prior to surgery. The last 2 years had become intolerable with reflux to where I had aspiration pnemonia about 20 times. Anyhow, I had the lap band removed and a RNY done 12/16/13. From the time I woke up, my reflux was better! I feel so much better I can't even tell you. I have lost 15 #. My surgeon told me that the RNY would be the best fix for my reflux and indeed it has worked very well for me. I also had a hernia that went away with the removal of the band. I know I had a band vs sleeve; but it has been very much worth it to me!
Good luck with your decision, hope I helped.
I have had the same problem. Since I have had my sleeve, I have developed severe reflux. I have been through many test and and my team of physicians have all agreed that my only chance for recovery is the RNY. It isn't just the stomach acid that is our problem, it is the bile reflux, and by having the bypass done, we no longer have the bile acid refluxing into our espohagus. Good luck with your RNY.