Having Band Removed. What should I expect for recovery?

on 11/22/13 6:52 am

I had lapband put on in 2006 and I am having it taken off Dec 6th and am concerned about how they get the thing off!!!  Can they fix erosion?  How do they do that?  Is there a possibility they can puncture the stomach?  Does erosion heal over time?  Also, what should I expect about discomfort once they take the band off?  Thanks for anything you can tell me!

N. K
on 11/22/13 11:00 am

Wow I had mine put on in June 2007 and I am having mine removed the 9th of December. I wish you a successful removal process. From what my doctor told me is that they will go through the previous incisions for the removal. He said they will try to remove as much scar tissue as possible and blow my stomach back out as much as possible to regular size to aid in the healing. He said that you shouldn't need to be off more than a few days from work so I am going to take a week just to relax more so than anything. I will wait a few months after the removal before converting to another surgery.

I am not sure about the erosion part since I haven't experienced that. Hopefully they will be able to make the repairs for you so you can heal properly.

on 11/22/13 11:51 am

N.K.  Thank you for quick reply.  I don't know that I have erosion.  I dont' think they can tell until they get inside and look.   Right?   I need to beable to take NSAIDS and it's been causing alot of pain.  I've decided to have the band off just to beable to take painkillers for my 3 slipped discs.


I didn't ask any questions about what the surgeon will do for the band removal so thank you for filling me in.  Why are you taking yours off?

N. K
on 11/24/13 2:35 am

I am having mine removed because I have never had any weight loss with the band. All it has done was cause regurgitation, severe acid refllux, and no weight loss. I am 350lbs so I knew it was time to let it go. I really want to get the DS because you can take NSAIDS and I think you can take them with the sleeve too which is just one part of the DS surgery. Since the DS is the platinum form of weight loss surgery I think it will be best for me instead of getting a few other surgeries. I have been scrolling these boards for a while and it just seem like all of them have their fair amount of revision or conversion except for the DS board.

on 11/23/13 10:04 am

I have the same plan N.K., I am also a light weight so I think that a few months later would be better for me. No removal date yet though.

on 11/23/13 5:15 am - Melbourne, FL

I had my band placed April 2008 and removed October 15, 2013, I had a port replacement in 2011 and had developed a port infection. My new surgeon felt that there was band erosion that was causing the port infection and we agreed it was time to remove the band. The surgery was much like the one to put it in. He did it laproscopically, using robotics. Like the band placement, I was out of work for 1 week but felt pretty decent by about the 4th day. I did have some added discomfort from the infection clean up, but other than that fine. He told me if the erosion was too bad, he would have to put in a drain and I'd be in the hospital about 3 days. Luckily I was able to go home same day. He said it would heal over time but may have to stay on liquids a few extra days. Now I am trying to decide what to do next. I'm leaning toward a bypass, but I'm a little scared about how permanent it is. Good Luck to you in your journey. I hope it all goes well.


on 11/23/13 5:25 am

Thank you cant wait for your reply.  Your info helps my anxiety about the band removal.  My decision to have it taken off is because I cannot take NSAIDS.  I did not know that when I had it put in.  I don't think you can take aspirin/NSAIDS with the bypass or sleeve.  although, there does seem to be some controversy over that.    My pouch has been burning for years and I did not know what was causing it.  Apparently my bariatric people didn't either or they would have said something!  It's so painful and lasts for hours.  Anyway, best of luck to you in your decision.

on 11/23/13 10:13 am

Lap band put on in '09 and waiting for my date to have it removed. I have the same questions and wondered how it's done.  Hopefully there won't be a lot of scar tissue but I believe there will be. It'll all work out.

on 11/23/13 10:23 am

I watched a video on you tube about the band removal and it looks fairly straight forward.  But, what is done if there is alot of scar tissue as you said?  Maybe someone can answer that.  Thanks for your reply.

on 11/26/13 2:15 am - Mogadore, OH
Revision on 07/31/13

Without a doubt, you need to talk to your surgeon. Revision surgery actually has more risk than your original WLS. I learned this from my surgeon. The revision surgery occurs over an area that had a previous procedure. That does expose you to more risk. Again, only your doctor who knows you and your case can be more exact.

I recovered well and quickly after my revision. I did have an episode of internal bleeding 1 1/2 months post-op. My surgeon said it was not related to the surgery. I am not so certain, but I overcame it quickly. I am doing great today.


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