Revision options for a Roux en Y bypass in 2005

on 11/2/13 10:14 am

Hello all,

     I am happy to find this site!  I had RNYGB in 2005.  Pre-op I was 275 and lost down to 130.  I stayed at approximately 140-150 until 2008.  It was then that I started to regain my weight back.  I started college and was more sedentary while studying, plus I began snacking while studying.  Anyway today I am at 203-blah!  After getting back on track with the way I should eat, my weight will not budge!  I have decided on revision.  Question is which revision to do?  I had my original RNYGB in Dallas.   I am now near the San Antonio area and I am confused about what is offered for revisions.  I have requested from some offices of Bariatric surgery information on the ROSE procedure.  However the offices I ask, they say they do not offer it, even the ones that had it listed online say they no longer do that procedure.  Now I am looking at UTMIST which is a minimally invasive center.  They offer a stitching endoscopically to make the stoma and perhaps the pouch smaller.  This sounds appealing because there are no incisions and recovery time is minimal.  However I wonder how much weight can really be lost with this.  So I started looking at DS.  I am not sure which revision to do, not even sure of all the choices I have.  I do have a couple of offices calling my insurance, and then will make appointment.  I already had one office tell me it was covered, but had to cancel that appointment.  Any help is appreciated!


Member Services
on 11/4/13 12:33 am - Irvine, CA

Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Research all the options and the success rate of each. Also, which one you feel would fit into your lifestyle.  We have all the options to the right of our page.  You may also want to post questions about a specific procedure on that surgery type forum.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

Member Services Team

on 11/5/13 12:49 am

I had a distal rny in 2000. Went from 352 to 128. Kept it off by exercise.  In 2007 had a car accident and the weight started creeping back. I got back 2 220lbs.  I just revised to DS on Wednesday.  My pouch was still small but I couldn't eat solids. I had started eating no protein at all. Good luck.

on 11/5/13 5:48 am

Thanks for replying, who did your DS? If you dont mind my asking.  How are you feeling?

on 11/5/13 7:51 pm

Dr. Ara Keshishian. Had complications but making it

Karen M.
on 11/6/13 10:46 am

Hi I'm having the revision surgery In December  from Dr. Alexander in Dallas . He stated that he remove the some of the  small intestine and the part that makes us hungry he also makes the pouch smaller again.  I have a friend that had this revision with him a lost  over 75 pounds and put her in a size 3 ... She doesn't exercise .

on 11/6/13 10:11 pm - TX
RNY on 09/06/13

Research, research, Research!  I had my band to RNY by Dr. Alexander in Dallas.  He does RNY to RNY revisions as well, but I don't think he does DS.  It's all depends on what is best for you.  While I trust Dr. A, I would look for a doc in your area first since follow up is key in any WLS.  If you post questions about a specific doc most of the time you will find someone on this board that has seen him/her.  Good luck and keep us posted.       


I am a 42 year old mother of 3 who is 5 feet tall and trying to beat the odds of my inherited medical history.  Taking things one day at a time.  Banded in 2008, revised to RNY 2013


on 11/7/13 9:33 am

I really appreciate all the responses so far!  I have decided to take three months to do back on track and research options.  In this time I hope to lose on my own by getting back to basics as outlined on this site.  If I find that I cannot lose weight, then I will pursue revision.  By the end of February I will be back at home in the DFW area and will be close to bariatric services.  As of right now I am nursing in a border time and it is at least three hours away from any bariatric care.  So I think this will allow me enough time to see what I can get done on my own.  Meanwhile I will frequent this site and utilize healthtracker and such.  I look forward to reading and discussing things with everyone!



on 11/8/13 4:19 am

One HUGE thing I would consider when revising. You had RNY And barely 3 years later IT FAILED YOU. IF you revise from RNY TO RNY how long before it fails you again? 1 yr, 3, 7, or as in my case 13 yet everything was still in tact and very small. Email Dr. ARA KESHISHIAN AND SEND him as much of your medical records as you can and he will respond with what he believes is the right thing for your case he is one of the 6 or so Dr in the world qualified to do A RNY revision.  You can Google him hes in California and his website has his email on there. GOOD LUCK

on 11/8/13 7:36 am
Thanks so much, and I hope your recovery is progressing well. If I decide on DS I have pretty much decided it will be Dr. Keshishian. Tx. to California wouldn't be that bad. But first I have to get back into the way I am suppose to eat anyway, so I guess I might as well see if I can lose by doing this. If it doesn't come off, at least I will have a three month journal of how I am eating the way I am suppose to and still not losing (if that is the case) . That can be my evidence to myself that it isn't just my eating habits. So far I realized how many carbohydrates I really consume-too many! And I have corrected it. So three months should be enough time to let the "correct" after bypass eating do the work, if not then I will be consulted surgeons and Dr. K will be the one if I decide on DS. Please keep me posted on your progress, I am excited to hear about your journey!


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