Yay, I got the ok by the psychologist.

(deactivated member)
on 10/31/13 12:09 pm

She was great. We had a really nice visit. I THINK IT WAS ME AT LAST VISIT. I was so darn preoccupied with getting rid of this band, that I think I had a closed mind. I know, shame on me. Next week will be my 2nd nutritionist appt. I hope that she ok s me to proceed to the educational classes. My surgeon told me at my first visit that he would like me to lose 20 pounds. I have lost 17. It sure is hard. I am finished with my insurance authorization prerequisites this winter. I'm psyched. 

on 10/31/13 11:22 pm - TX
RNY on 09/06/13

Stay positive!  Sounds like you are well on your way with your weight loss.  Remember, the surgical team wants you to succeed- so keep an open mind.  Good luck and keep us posted.


I am a 42 year old mother of 3 who is 5 feet tall and trying to beat the odds of my inherited medical history.  Taking things one day at a time.  Banded in 2008, revised to RNY 2013


(deactivated member)
on 11/1/13 5:41 am

Thanks, motomama. I see that you just had the exact same procedure I am planning. How was it? How are you feeling? If I knew how to use this site a little bit better, I bet I could find all of your updates myself.

I will remember your words of wisdom, and try to stop getting in my own way. 

on 11/1/13 9:00 am - TX
RNY on 09/06/13

I don't know how to find specific updates but I am happy to let you in on my journey.  Unfortunately, it's not a pretty journey.  I have great insurance and was approved very quickly once I found a surgeon.  First I had my EGD so that he could see what exactly my problem was with the band (it had slipped).  I had my session with the shrink, did a sleep study, and a stress test.  For whatever reason, I did not have to visit with a nutritionist (I am guessing it wasn't required by my insurance).  I was then scheduled on 9/6.  Before the surgery I went on a 10 day pre opt diet of Optifast.  Basically, 4 protein shakes a day plus one lean and green meal.  Here's where things get wacky and it's my fault.  I take Effexor XR (for anxiety and depression).  I didn't think about the fact that I wouldn't be able to take it for a few days and I had some major withdrawals.  So procedure went well, I just freaked out during my recovery...I had a panic attack so it took me a while to get to my room.  Once in my room, I had on compression boots, and could not have anything by mouth for 2 days.  During this time I had a few more panic attacks but thankfully the doc had provided orders for some meds that helped me.  During these two days they want you to get up and walk around as much as you can, to work the gas out of your system.  On the 3rd morning, I was taken for a barium swallow test to check for leaks.  I didn't have any leaks but the barium also went down way to slow, so I had to stay another night- still nothing by mouth.  By now I was really droolly and having a tough time swallowing my saliva.  The next morning I had another swallow test and while the barium was slow it went down so they started me on clear liquids.  By that evening I was released.   Learning to drink liquids slowing is so hard.  Sip sip sip.  I will admit I didn't get as many fluids as I should have and I also didn't get as much protein as I should have but I was having such a hard time swallowing due to swelling.

So here's when the fun really begins.  My lapband created lots of scar tissue which caused my stoma to close so nothing could move out of my stomach which results in throwing up everything I drank.  This is actually easy to solve, the surgeon just does an EDG and dilates the stoma with a balloon.  For most this only happens a time or two.  On Monday 10/28 I had my 4th.  Good news is that doc said I have healed and shouldn't be producing any more scar tissue but only time will tell. 

So I know your question is, how do you keep this from happening?  You can't.  Scar Tissue is created by your body to help you heal.  I am a slow healer and easily scar.  The thing to remember is if you start throwing up, contact your surgeon ASAP. 

As far as post op diet...to be honest I don't know what's standard even for my own doc.  I was on clear liquids unitl last week due to my situation.  Today I am 8 weeks out and am starting to feel good again.  During these past 8 weeks I have been way more fatigued than I ever thought I would be and this is partly because I didn't get in my protein like I should have and therefore I didn't exercise like I should have.  



I am a 42 year old mother of 3 who is 5 feet tall and trying to beat the odds of my inherited medical history.  Taking things one day at a time.  Banded in 2008, revised to RNY 2013


(deactivated member)
on 11/1/13 11:57 pm

Thank you so much for sharing. I'm so glad that you're finally feeling better. I've read about strictures on this board and the bypass board. SI actually started google searching it this week. I was looking for symptoms to watch out for, but couldn't find any helpful information until you responded. I'm sorry that you went through this, but very great for your generous sharing. 

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