Help! Not losing anymore!
Are you tracking what you eat? I find that a calorie is not a calorie to my metabolism. If I get above 50% fat, I don't lose even if my carb count is low. If my carbs rise much above 30% or 50 carbs, I will stop losing. It seems to matter more than absolute calories. Try that and see if it helps before you cut your calories.
If it doesn't, move down to the lower calories, 600-800.
Make sure you're drinking all your water, 80-100 ounces.
Try eliminating all artificial sweeteners from your diet for a while. Some are sensitive to them.
Try looking for some yoga classes or DVD from your library. It's gentle exercise and good for arthritis issues. Some of the poses can be hard on your back or knee so modify as you need to. Walk when you can.
Try upping your protein to 120 grams. There's a study out that says that is the sweet spot for maximizing fat loss.
Be kind to yourself. It's great that you've been able to maintain your loss without gain so far with mobility issues.
Could you try water exercise ? I've heard it's easier on the joints.
Maureen Tired of Living my Life in the Dark
on 11/3/13 10:24 am
Cutting from 1200 to 800 calories a day will be a 400 calorie reduction. That means you should lose a pound about every nine days. As long as you keep your carbs low and protein high, you should be able to get off that sixty pounds in about a year.
You will feel better every day. Get on the scale every day and track your loss. Don't have unrealistic expectations, but track your loss and remember that every lost pound counts.
It would be great if there was a way to lose even faster. Look into doing the Virgin diet by JJ Virgin. It is a tough three weeks, but might be a big start on losing.