Lapband to Sleeve to RNY :-(
Yes, that is correct. How far are you out with your sleeve? We had to go on 2 ppi's for the first year. I was able to go down to 1 and now down to none. But when you cut back you go thru hell with worse reflux for 3/4 week before it gets better. They don't tell you that. I found out due to research posted here. My DD that is 3.5 years with the sleeve was never off the 2 per day. I gave her the research after I was successful and now she is finally off after over 3 years without reflux. She does take Papaya Enzymes with meals, probiotics and stop eat 2/3 hours before bed. When I follow this I do well if not I have some trouble.
Hope the RNY works out well for you!
on 10/21/13 1:39 pm
I had the sleeve in 2009. I lost 70 pounds. Not goal, but down to a loose size 14. Then I started a slow regain. I am up 30 of the 70.
I have had GERD for as long as I can remember. I had my first EGD in 2004. Doc started me on a PPI then. I started a different PPI right after my VSG. It seemed to wor****il two years ago. I've struggled so much with GERD since then. I had a barium swallow and another EGD last Fall. Saw my surgeon. He said I needed to revise to RnY to get rid of the GERD. My insurance company denied it.
Fast forward to earlier this summer. Still GERD. Still all of the terrible symptoms. Think: Go to a Gastroenterologist. Maybe he'll have some idea how to fix it. He did some kind of swallowing study. I had to eat scrambled eggs with radioactive stuff in them and then have a CT every few minutes for two hours. Normal results.
Last week I had a colonoscopy (it was time), EGD, and an evil thing called a BRAVO study. Gastro found 'significant erosion' in my esophagus, multiple polyps in my stomach (inflammation, just got the biopsy results today, caused by PPI use?), and a HUGE hiatal hernia. Said I needed a Nissen something (wrap?) but can't have that because of VSG so I need RnY plus something else. (I was still dopey, and my husband was out of town so my deaf-as-a-post-won't-wear-his-hearing-aids father came with me.) I said my insurance wouldn't pay for RnY. He said, "Oh, yes, they will!" (He doesn't do bariatric surgery, so he has no 'axe' to grind, so I trust his opinion as I trusted my surgeon's.)
So. Waiting on the results of the BRAVO thing. Stupid BRAVO is still in my esophagus!!! It hurts like CRAZY!!! With my luck, he'll have to go in and get it. (It's supposed to fall off out.)
I am negative about my chances of the insurance paying for the RnY. It's specifically excluded in our policy. Last year the surgeon said it was medically necessary, and they still denied it! I just want the GERD gone. Esophageal cancer runs in my family! I don't want to die from it. I didn't want RnY to begin with (didn't want the pouch, supplementation, etc.) but I would gladly do it now that I know about the VSG and GERD. Sigh. I shouldn't have jumped on the VSG so quickly, I suppose. Should have waited for more information that showed people with a history of GERD should not have it.
Good luck! I will be watching for updates.
How are you doing now? I am on this forum so confused and scared at this point. I had the band...revised to the sleeve...many tests and medications for GERD....and now I have a hernia and issues with my sleeve. There appears to be narrowing, so much so the doctor could not get the scope down into my stomach. The doctor also reports severe scar tissue from the lapband. I have an appointment with the surgeon on Friday and there is discussion to be revised to the RNY. I would love to hear from people who have had band to sleeve to RNY. I think we are in the minority and our situation is different.