Band to Sleeve Question....

Kayla W.
on 10/8/13 7:39 am - San Diego, CA

Im wondering if anyone has been banded, lost a bunch of weight and then regained and lost again with the sleeve? Make sense? Sorry, dont know how else to say it. = )  I've seen on here band to sleeve that have been successful but it seems like most have either been unsuccessful with the band or got close to goal and revised to lose those last few pounds. Im trying to find someone who is in my prediciment or close to.


I was banded 2006, lost 125 lbs and was at goal. After 3 years, the weight started creeping back on. Unbeknownst to me, I had a slip (couldnt afford to see my doc) and I probably lived with the slip upwards of 3 years before I finally presented to the ER without being able to even swallow saliva. By that point, I had put back about 80lbs of weight.

I was scheduled for band removal with revision to RNY on Sept 12,2013 but woke up with no band and no RNY. Doc says my intestines are on the wrong side and he couldnt do the bypass. So immediatley I asked for the sleeve and was approved and my surgery is 11/5.

I guess my question is, has anyone else had success with another surgery and then success again after regain? Does the fact that I had success with the band work in my favor? Or does the fact that I regained most of my weight with the band work against my potential success with the sleeve?

Thanks in advance!


Real Eyes....Realize....Real Lies...

282 / 195/ 160 (time of surgery/current/goal) 

"Commit the oldest sins, the newest kind of ways."

on 10/8/13 11:27 am - Vancouver, WA

Lots of people have revised to the sleeve from the band and in every situation you can imagine. For most it has worked really well, the loss may be a bit slower with a revision but most get to goal eventually. If the restriction of the band worked for you to lose that much weight and keep it off until you had issues with the band, then the sleeve should work for you. Plus you have the added benefit of less appetite because you lose the part of the stomach that produces grehlin (stimulates appetite)making it easier to do the low calories diet needed to lose the weight. It looks like you would do well with the sleeve, you might read the sleeve forum there are many band to sleevers there.

on 10/8/13 2:16 pm, edited 10/14/13 1:36 pm - Davison, MI

I have!  I started at 280 in the process, banded at 257 in 2/25/09.  I lost to about 210, I did see 198 the day after my brother died but other than a short time 210 was my low and I was considered a band success and their perfect band patient.  The center put my goal at 215, which was the normal EWL with the band.

I started having problems   They tried unfilling totally and refilling slowly but I never got back to the same spot. I gained back up to 260 at one point.  The last 9 months while working to get the band removed they would unfill until I could eat protein and than it would get too tight to swallow spit.  This happened about monthly until totally unfilled.

I was unbanded 9/4/12 and was sleeved 1/22/13.  I am now down 113 pounds, 34 lower than ever with the band.  So in 8 months I was able to lose all the regain plus 34 more pounds, about 70/75 pounds.  The sleeve is so much easier than the band was.  We are having more and more people showing up here;  that lost all or almost all the weight and than due to one type of failure or another with the band gain back, rather or not to revise.

Also check out:

Just ask to join and find the stories and info!

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Kayla W.
on 10/14/13 4:26 am - San Diego, CA

Thank you both, that was great info. Pineview, I've been following your progress since I knew that I was going to revise surgeries. At first I wanted a RNY but then I read about your experience with the sleeve and thought I wanted that. Then my Dr said I would lose more with an RNY so I went in to have the RNY at the same time they removed my band. When I woke up, he said he was unable to perform the RNY due to intestinal malrotation. So....back to the Sleeve. And to be honest, Im not disappointed AT ALL. In fact, I am kind of relieved. I think things happened this way for a reason and I am set to be sleeved on 11/5.


Cant wait to be a loser with you!!

Real Eyes....Realize....Real Lies...

282 / 195/ 160 (time of surgery/current/goal) 

"Commit the oldest sins, the newest kind of ways."

on 10/14/13 1:34 pm - Davison, MI

Yep, things happen for a reason!  So, glad to hear you are getting the surgery you want after all.  I'm sorry I have to disagree with the doc as I have lost more than at least one virgin RNY.  I am here to tell you I am not a gym rat either.  I live on a farm and other than taken over for the DH the last couple months, my exercise is everyday work.

Your stomach will be healed when he goes back in so if he is a good sugeon and is experienced with the sleeve you too will have a great out come and do great.  My recover from the sleeve was easier than being banded and having the band removed.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Kayla W.
on 10/15/13 6:04 am - San Diego, CA
On October 14, 2013 at 8:34 PM Pacific Time, pineview01 wrote:

Yep, things happen for a reason!  So, glad to hear you are getting the surgery you want after all.  I'm sorry I have to disagree with the doc as I have lost more than at least one virgin RNY.  I am here to tell you I am not a gym rat either.  I live on a farm and other than taken over for the DH the last couple months, my exercise is everyday work.

Your stomach will be healed when he goes back in so if he is a good sugeon and is experienced with the sleeve you too will have a great out come and do great.  My recover from the sleeve was easier than being banded and having the band removed.

Out of curiosity, what size bougie did you have? My surgeon uses a 34f. He says I can expect to lose about 60lbs...which I would be happy with BUT I would rather lose about 90. For insurance reasons, I could not go back to my original surgeon who placed my band. So thus far, my only experience with my new surgeon was taking out my band (OUCH!) But he's done about 600-700 gastric sleeves mostly when he was with UC Davis. My main concern is how being sleeved will affect my intestinal malrotation and Dr Fuller says it will have no affect whatsoever.


3 weeks from today and I'll be sleeved!

Real Eyes....Realize....Real Lies...

282 / 195/ 160 (time of surgery/current/goal) 

"Commit the oldest sins, the newest kind of ways."

on 10/15/13 7:59 am - Davison, MI

Mine used 34f!  Your sleeve won't have any affect on the intestinal mal-rotation.  There have been others going in for a rny and coming out with a sleeve for the same reason.  I have lost almost 80 now since the sleeve.  You can lose what you set your mind to.  My band2sleeve sister has had the same states as me.  We are both less than 10 pounds from goal and were banded about the same time, unbanded about the same time and had the same states. 

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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