
on 10/2/13 8:04 am

I have regained 50lbs, I had to go on steroids for 3 months,because I had Adrenal Suppression.  I currently get swelling in my hands, ankles, legs and feet. i just found out im serverly vitamin D deficient, Protein Deficient Low iron and I cant loose any weight. I have become depressed over the course of a year and I am finally admitting to it. I maintained my first weight loss for 6 years. I have always suffered from chronic pelvic pain with Intercystial Cystitis. Im only 34 and I have had over 20 surgical procedures.. I had my revision last Nov 2012, I start loosing a lil but then it stopped going down and started going up. I do not want to gain another pound.. I really need support and help!!!!! Does anyone live in the Cincy Ohio area..

on 10/2/13 8:17 am

I don' t live near you but you are going through a many surgeries.  first you have to take care of your deficiencies, protein def will cause swelling, retention etc.  your first weight loss?  what do you have now?  what revision did you have last year, that was not that long ago?....if you give more info people can help you better....hope you get better real soon


on 10/2/13 3:03 pm

My revision in Nov was a Vsg to the Rny. My first weight weight loss was abt 80-90 lbs. Thanks for the advice



H.A.L.A B.
on 10/2/13 9:53 am

I have been on steroid s replacement therapy due to adrenal insufficiency.  Not only I did not gained wright - but I was able to lose 6 lbs. 

I will be on steroids for life... my body does not make enough... but that is no excuse for me to eat the wrong things. Neither it is for you. 

The swelling may be due to proteins - mineral deficiencies. So what yu need to do - make sure you get enough proteins. I drink 1-3 shakes a day. Because I am on steroids - I know I can't eat any sugar or even  too many carbs, so I stay away from them. I eat proteins with some veggies. Salads. Or just eggs and with cucumbers.. 

I gave up bread, pasta - al the grains.  I also gave up starchy veggies.  Yea - I knwo it is not easy - but it can be done IF that is relly important to you. 

I take vitamins and minerals..  There are days that when I look at my small bag of pills - I don't think I can take even one... but I do, day after day after day... I allow myself 1 -2 days every month that I just don't worry about the vitamins.   But no more than that. My health and my well being is more important that aversion to taking pills. 


 I do you can find a strength in you to make hard decisions... it is not easy.. I wi**** was.. But I guess we were build differently. HUGS.. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 10/2/13 3:09 pm

Thank you for the advice, I wrote because I'm not going to allow this to kill me, I'm ready to get back on that horse and kick it in to high gear. Since Zi need more protein I have gotten myself some shacks that have 30gm of protein. I am starting with the basics. Carbs have been horrible for me so I know it's time to let go.. 



on 10/2/13 10:20 am - Vancouver, WA

We were just discussing on another forum how being in pain causes us to comfort eat and you may be doing that. I know I did when I had constant back pain, it just helped me feel "loved" for awhile. Are you taking anything for the pain? If I remember right cystitis is a nerve type pain and you may find neurotin would help. It requires a prescription but does amazing things for nerve type pain. I had burning in my feet and it took it all away, but even if it helps damper the pain it would be worth it to try just to get some relief. Right now you need to just get back on an even keel so you can work at the weight loss again down the road a bit. Good luck!

on 10/2/13 3:11 pm

I am taking meds for pain I have Morphine , Flexiril and Visteril, I know this weight loss won't be easy but I gotta start some where. Thank you for your advice



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