Lap band to DS and swallowing x-post to DS
I am Band to RNY - and I will tell you that getting that crapband out was the best. The smaller pouch actually makes you feel FULL rather than stuck and miserable. At least in my case!!
I am a Band to sleeve. So I do have the stomach part of the DS. The filling is nothing the same. You come out of surgery with restriction and don't spend your life trying to find it. It isn't the mechanical restrictions that makes you stick and in pain. If you eat to much you will be miserable like after stuffing yourself on Thanksgiving. Only it is a smaller in the middle of your stomach. Kind of weird really. It took me a while to figure out and be able to explain it.
So while it is painful, it is a natural you do it to yourself and know how to avoid it thing. With the band you never now when, where or why. Hope that makes since and helps.