Failed lap band choice of sleeve or RNY revision which way should I go any advice?
Sorry I had to chuckle at your comment "wear heavy clothing and put quarters in my pockets." Another option would be to wear very baggy clothes with lots of pockets and put some stones/rocks in them or some sand in ziplock bags. Hey just an idea that came to me at 4:30am. seeing Dr. tomorrow hence I can't sleep.
I had my Lapband to RNY revision on 07/31. Like you, I was presented the two options, as well as revising to the Realize Band. I spent a good bit of time reading posts on both the RNY and sleeve boards. My surgeon had a preference of me revising to RNY.
I ultimately decided to look at the people I interact with in my local support group. I have known many of these folks for over 5 years. I have listened to the good, the bad and the ugly from the group. I came up with the decision to revise to RNY due to the number of people who have been very successful with RNY including my partner. I felt my life very much mirrored theirs. Complications are very rare and people are happy with their choice.
I am now almost 4 weeks post-op and doing great. I am down 40 pounds and feel great. I recovered faster than my surgeon expected. He released me from all restrictions last Thursday. I am an avid cyclist and have started riding again. I still need to work up my energy level but I am well on my way.
Good luck with your choice.
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Hello! I can relate to everyone that had problems with the band b/c so did/does I. I'm still banded and I'm also afraid of revising to either one. I have diabetes and the band never took me off all meds for that. My Dr. has given me the option too. There are some things that have pros and cons with both surgeries from what I've heard/read. If I didn't have diabetes, I would go with the sleeve b/c I only weigh 215. But since I do have diabetes, My choice Is RNY. I dont want three surgeries either and RNY have a better standard for curing all of the high lab numbers I'm running. Am I afraid to have it? YES I surely am.but I know that it's the best way for me to go. So friend me as well.