Failed lap band choice of sleeve or RNY revision which way should I go any advice?
If you only had severe acid reflux with the band and not before the band, than the removal of the band takes care of it and the sleeve is still and option!
I never had reflux or heart burn before the band. Removing it took care of the reflux and 4.5 months after removal I was sleeved and 8 months out with the sleeve, no acid reflux!
I got my band in 2008 and it hasn't worked for me. If you don't mind giving me advice. I'm going in on Monday, for a fluoroscopy procedure to look at band and see if everything is ok and I'm worried my doc will say "we have done all we can and lapband has just failed, you had your chance, and you blew it." I want to prepare myself. Will he say he wants to take it out? Will he leave it in there to try to cut down on any weight gain? Do I have a right to request another procedure? Or will I just be told, I have failed? Will insurance cover a different procedure and what are they looking for in order to approve me for a different surgery. Is failed lap band enough, or do I need to have other problems in addition to that, or meet certain criteria?
Thank you for your help
The fluoroscopy may show your band is "perfect" many do. If so as for them to do the scope where they put the scope down your throat and can actually see what is going on. My "perfect" band had caused esophagealitis and gastritis.
Don't let them tell you you have failed! If you have followed the plan as well as you can. Then the band failed. I will pm you with as much info as possible.
Hi- I had a Band for over 7 years, just had revision to RNY (best option for me due to GERD and ulcers) 2+ weeks ago. Best thing I could have done for myself. The difference is amazing. Very easy recovery and love the fact that i don't choke on water!
Good luck making this very tough decision. Only you and your doctor can know what's right for you.
on 8/24/13 9:00 am
Thank You Ashely,
My Dr. is a hardcore RNY with much success with this procedure with his patients. I need help with control I hear RNY is much better for restriction he thinks I should go RNY but I was the one who mentioned the Sleeve and he said to choose. So I have a little while to choose.
If you do not mind my asking why did you do a revision?
I am a band to RNY. I really wanted the malabsorption. I honestly considered the sleeve for a long time... I was just afraid that since I sucked at the band, I would suck at the sleeve.
I am glad I did RNY because I actually appreciate it when food makes me feel bad. If I overeat, I pay a very miserable price. So, I have only done it twice. I am incredibly mindful of my food choices. It also helps me stay away from alcohol. I drank too many calories pre-op enjoying a beer with my dinner or wine with the gal pals. No more of that now.
I would have done DS, but I was not heavy enough to qualify.
Good luck!! There is nothing wrong with either choice!!
What insurance do you have? Who said you were not big enough to have the DS? How much did you have to loose. I am trying to get a revision from RNY to the DS and think I will have a problem getting insurance approval because my BMI is 46 and not 50. They say that CIGNA requires a BMI of at least 50. I am 20 pounds too light. I really want the DS bad. I SAID i'M GOING TO have to wear heavy clothing and put quarters in my pockets. LOL