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I have a question, is your lower esophageal sphincter still open? When this is open, the constant reflux still occurs. Being sleeved may not solve this issue and may even make it worse, since your stomach will be smaller.
i was sleeved 3 years ago, and have developed reflux issues similar to yours. One of the options, which I do not like, is being converted to a RNY. I also have a hiatal hernia that is causing the symptoms to be worse.
i will be interested in hearing how things go for you.
When do you start your preop diet? What kind of diet does your surgeon have you on?
I go to my class on the 3rd, and find out. I guess because I have the band, I only have to do the liquid diet for one week.
I have lots of appointments in the next 2 weeks before surgery.
Lap band 3-4-05 starting weight 312 now 190
LBL/BL w/lipo 6-18-08
Arm/Thigh Lift w/lipo 1-07-09
Sometimes losing is really winning!