What is wrong with me????
If I hear even one peson say that WLS is the easy way out, I think I am going to kick the stuffing out of them.
This far out you should probably be getting most of your protein from actual food not protein shakes. They would only need to be used if you need to supplement your protein from food. Sounds like you may have a structure which will need to be dialated so you can actually eat real food. None of the surgeries are designed for living on protein shakes. Once you can eat food you should be able to get basck to weight lose. Personally I would try to get in to your doc sooner than the 2 weeks, a stricture can cause serious problems if not treated correctly. Good luck hope this will take care of your problem.
If you have a stricture and need to dilated I would get that done asap. If they are going to dilate just so you can eat more I'd wait. Many report being able to eat much more after the sleeve heals and matures around 6-12 months.
I still start my day with a protein drink. But, I use a cappuccino, chocolate or vanilla Syntrax Nectar mix with decaf. This is thinner and taste lots better. Than I try eating protein foods all day. If I am short am night I will have a fruit flavored BariWise protein mix with crystal light complimenting flavor. I am able to get at least 80 g protein. I am for 100-120 but, figure 80 is good as the new Nut only requires 60-70 g protein.
Good luck hope all gets better for you.