Anyone here that had a BPD and has revised to a DS or has had a pouch reduction since orig...

on 7/18/13 3:17 am - NY

OK...let me start off by saying that I am 11 years out from my surgery which was a BPD (NO DS).  I am 5ft, 2in and weighted 320 when I got the surgery.  1 year after surgery I was at 174 and 2 years out until 1 year ago I was at 205.  Over the last year I have gained 20 lbs back out of nowhere.  I will be turning 40 this month and thought it might have to do with hormone changes and such, but am still very scared of going back "there".

I have been reading the posts on here for the last two days and have had the pleasure of exchanging posts with some really nice people that have been giving me a bit of info on what has been going on in the WLS community since I had the surgery so long ago.  I have the following questions that I hope some of you can help with:

Firstly, I would like to hear from some people that had the original BPD and have either switched to the DS or have had a stomach pouch reduction years after the initial BPD surgery.  

Secondly, I have heard that my surgeon is now not known in the highest regards in the WLS community anymore.  I am therefore looking for a new surgeon, preferably one that does DS and does revisions, in the NYC area.  My hubby who is severely obese is now considering WLS and I think it would be easier if we dealt with the same doctor for his initial surgery (hopefully DS) and my revision (hopefully to DS or at least making my stomach smaller again).  If any recommendations are available, that would be excellent.  

Finally, If there are any out there with the BPD that have had the weight gain all of a sudden (years out from surgery) and would like to discuss what they tried and what works and what didn't...that would be excellent.  I went back to the basics over the last week and found a manual for BPD eating and such called "The Biliopancreatic Diet Guide" by the Mish Institute for Advanced Bariatric Surgery.  I am hoping that with eating the way I was always supposed to and the things I was supposed to...and with more exercise, I can get back on track and take off the weight.  I am not sure how much of my surgery is still working for me as I am sure my stomach has stretched and am not sure how much my body has modified to absorb more food from the short amount of small intestine it has been left with to work with.  Anyone that is in a similar boat...your wisdom, opinions and help would be greatly appreciated.  

I hope to be chatting with some of you soon.  I really appreciate the warm reception I have received since joining here a few days ago and hope that I can at some point be of some help to some of you as well.  Thanks again!

on 7/18/13 3:48 am

Sadly, it's not possible to revise a BPD to a DS---when your BPD was done, the lower portion of your stoma*****luding your pylorus, was completely removed from your body. About all you can get done now is your pouch made smaller. I would consult with one or more of the surgeons on this list. There are the guys who are qualified to do a true RNY-to-DS revision, so they're probably the best out there.   Dr. Keshishian, located in California

Dr. Rabkin, located in California

Dr. Stewart, located in Texas

Dr. Simper, located in Utah

Dr. Elariny, located in Virginia

Dr. Roslin, located in New York

Dr. Buchwald, located in Minnesota

Of course, the above doctors are in the United States 

Dr. Baltasar, located in Spain

Dr. Marchesini, located  in Brazil
  Dr. Gagner in Canada and Dr. Greenbaum are also experienced surgeons, but please use caution, and RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!


on 7/19/13 4:40 am - NY

That is just what I needed.  I have a reservation for a WLS forum at Lennox Hill Hospital with Dr. Roslin next Wednesday.  Hopefully he will be able to help me.  Thanks so much!!

on 7/19/13 7:45 am

I hope so too! Dr. Roslin has a very good reputation. Keep us posted.

on 7/21/13 9:47 am

go see dr roslin, he did my complicated revision, he is fantastic.....let us know how you do....

on 12/26/13 4:48 am

I had BPD w/DS in 2000, pre weight was 330ish, lowest was 190, about 14 months post op. Fast forward to 2013, I'm 290 and considering a revision with Dr. Alfons Pomp, at Cornell, he did my original surgery at Mt. Sanai. I have a surgery date for end of January 14, but having reservations, as NO ONE here or other forums had what I did, so long ago. Doc says my stomach pouch is huge and they were left bigger back in 2000 than they do today. I wish I had more patient input on this procedure. Most re-sleeves were done 4-5 years ago, when the pouch was left much smaller than my original, making their staples run into scar tissue, hoping mine is less complicated. I think the world of Dr Pomp, and have sent 3-4 family/friends to him with great results. 

on 12/27/13 3:22 am

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "NO ONE here or other forums had what I did". Everyone who had a DS in reality had a BPD/DS, it's just that most people don't call it that. (A better name would be VSG/DS, for 'vertical sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch', since that's what it is---as is the so-called BPD/DS.)

I had my DS in 2003, and my surgical report says my sleeve was made to hold 3-5 ounces, IMMEDIATELY POST-OP. It has definitely gotten larger over time, but nowhere near what my original stomach was.

With your larger sleeve, re-sleeving should actually be safer, since it should be possible to re-sleeve completely inside the old staple line. What does Dr. Pomp say? Have you gotten a second opinion?

on 12/27/13 5:25 am - Taylor , MI

Hi MsBatt, I had a BPD which was a revision from a RNY with a small pouch, not a sleeve, I also get the dumping if  I have too much sugar, unlike the DS. I was revised by having my pouch stay in tact and re-routing my intestines and making my common channel shorter. I still have my pouch and I still have restriction...the difference for me is that I have more mal-absorption, and carbs metabolize very quickly causing me to have extreme diarrhea if I eat too many. example: if I eat more that 1 slice of pizza, or eating fried foods. Other than that I am very happy with my results. 

on 12/27/13 8:52 am

"No one here or other forums, that long ago". I am having trouble finding people that had this procedure as far back as 2000, and I know they left the pouch bigger in 2000 than they do now, so Im trying to compare apples to apples. I meet with Doc again on Jan 6 on the day of pre-op testing, so Im trying to gather as much intel as possible from those that have done this before, so I can ask the right questions. I was told that he has only done 2 of this type of revision this year and both had severe vomiting issues, but Im willing to bet those 2 had original procedure after my original, but will know for sure on the 6th. Thanks for the input.

on 12/27/13 5:00 am - Taylor , MI

Hello 046spanky2, I had this same surgery in 2010, the BPD/DS. It has been 3 years now and I am doing great. I had a revision from the RNY to the BPD/DS. My pouch was in good condition and I was still experiencing restriction; that's why the BPD was recommended. I went from 309 pounds down to 188 pounds. I fluctuate between 200-205 pounds today; however I became too relaxed and stop following the rules, you know not waiting before eating and drinking for 30 minutes, and eating poorly. However I noticed with this surgery I can't eat the carbs (rice, pasta, pizza, fried foods) without paying a price...diarrhea. So I am conscious of what I eat now and am on my way to my goal of 170 pounds. I truly think that with any of the surgeries, you must follow the rules and exercise or you will gain the weight back. I encourage you after you have this done, get involved in activities (running, walking, join the gym etc.) I just ran my first Half Marathon in October 2013..The Detroit Free Press Marathon, and I plan to do the American Lung Association "Stair climb for air" whi*****ludes climbing 70 flights in March 2014. I am glad I had the revision and that there were no complications. What revision are you having done? 

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