Revise from vsg.

on 7/7/13 3:28 pm
RNY on 11/10/14

Hi all. Looking into a revision from VSG to RNY. My sleeve was done in 2010. Saw my surgeon and he ordered tests. I go Tuesday for an upper GI then he wants me to have an endoscopy. Well the place he wants me to have the endoscopy done is out of network and they need me to pay $4000. Yeah right. Also my surgeon did tell me that he is no longer in network with Aetna either but "there are ways around that" he said. So I'm nervous because if I end up with a huge bill I won't be happy nor can I pay it! But I trust my surgeon and he was great with me the first time around. I guess I'll take it one day at a time. '







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on 7/9/13 2:26 am - Irvine, CA


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on 7/8/13 1:32 am

I strongly advise you to reconsider this. The logical revision to a VSG would be adding the Switch, giving you a complete DS---the form of WLS with the very BEST long-term, maintained weight-loss stats. This would mean your Sleeve wouldn't have to be touched---you'd still have a fully-functional stomach and the ability to take NSAIDs. You'd avoid all the potential problems of the RNY's pouch/stoma combo, like dumping, reactive hypoglycemia, getting food 'stuck', etc. Of course, you'd have to go to a DS surgeon, since yours doesn't do the DS.

on 7/8/13 5:22 am

For the love of God, why would you destroy a perfectly normal stomach and make it into a pouch with all the issues that go along with that?  I assume it is because you are going to a surgeon that does NOT DO DS so has convinced you that the RNY is 'the same thing'.  Well, IT IS NOT.  The ONLY logical revision from a VSG is to a DS.  Anything else is just dumb.

RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

on 7/8/13 5:30 am, edited 7/8/13 5:30 am
RNY on 11/10/14

I appreciate the feedback but resent being called dumb. I have family that are doing fine with bypass. The DS isn't without complications either. Just because someone doesnt choose the surgery to your liking doesn't make them dumb. And I have a feeling my "perfect" sleeve is not so perfect which is why I'm having testing done because I'm having physical problems. 







on 7/8/13 4:23 pm, edited 7/8/13 4:24 pm - Davison, MI

I don't see where either of these women said your were dumb.  They are just trying to help you.  Our center also does the sleeve to rny.  They do it as they don't do DS and are familiar with RNY.  So this is where they are coming from.  They both really did give good advise.  It is up to you to take it or leave it.

If I ever have to revise from the vsg.  I would have to self pay for the DS as our center would only offer the RNY.  RNY after VSG just isn't anything I would want to do to myself but everybody needs to do what works for them.

As far as getting around the surgeon being out of Network, I would be very, very nervous.

Good luck!



BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 7/8/13 4:48 pm
RNY on 11/10/14

I don't mind advice at all. But a couple of comments above were a little harsh. "Why would you" ect. That's true it is my decision and any surgery should work long term if the diet is followed barring no complications. I need to figure out what's going on then go from there. The DS is a very serious surgery and not one to take lightly. I do appreciate input truly. Just don't need to be pushed. 







on 7/8/13 9:59 am
RNY on 11/10/14

Hi Nancy. Thank you very much for your words of support and encouragement. It means a lot! I also have a lot of reflux again and sometimes abdominal pain. Also my restriction isn't very good anymore either. So I'm anxious to at least get the testing done and see what we are looking at before I make any decisions. I wish your friends good luck! That's so scary with the pre cancerous cells! Please keep me updated if that's ok. Thank!









on 7/9/13 3:04 am - IN
Revision on 10/03/13

YOU have not been rude by voicing your feelings about your post. You are NOT Dumb and any reference to  your choice being "dumb"  is uncalled for. You sound like you have a plan to research Why you are having issues, Step 1. You are obviously trying to gather information to make an informed decision about your options, Step 2. Talk your thoughts, and the information you find, over with your surgeon and trusted counsel. Good luck on your plan. ultimately the choice is yours and I wish you success in your journey !

on 7/9/13 1:40 am

If you're calling ME rude, I'd like you to point out exactly what I said that you feel was rude. Was it when I pointed out the DS has the very best long-term weight loss? Was it when I said she wouldn't have to have her stomach cut again? Was it when I pointed out potential complications specific to the RNY? Or was it when I told her her surgeon didn't do the DS?

There are also lots and lots of Sleeved people getting revised to the DS. The OP needs to understand that that is an option.

'Constant diarrhea and other horrible side effects' is the biggest lie told about the DS, and sadly it's often told by medical professionals who actually have no first-hand knowledge of the DS or DS patients. I'm certainly not 'suffering' at 9.5 years post-op, and even if I was, I certainly wouldn't want to see anyone else suffer. You, my dear, are the 'rude' one here.

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