This is what Duke Hospital is offering as a "Revision" so glad I found this board
Dear Message Board Members,
I am a failed RNY patient and I talked to my local surgeons about revision and this is what they suggested at Duke University. I am so glad I discovered you and got feedback before I traveled down another road that would have had bad results. I also would have had to pay $17,000.00 our of pocket. But I am hearing so much negative feedback here and I can find no long tern results data. I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have shared your story and help me rethink my decision. I don't know if I have the courage to do the RNY to DS surgery. But it seems that is the converging best choice. Thanks so much for not being judgmental and welcoming. I would not recommend the RNY as it seems long term results are showing poor outcomes. I know this is just my opinion and if it worked for you that is wonderful. But I have seen so many failures now that I know I am not alone and I am not totally to blame for all of this. Thanks so much for your continued support.
on 6/22/13 5:02 am
Dear Message Board Members,
I am a failed RNY patient and I talked to my local surgeons about revision and this is what they suggested at Duke University. I am so glad I discovered you and got feedback before I traveled down another road that would have had bad results. I also would have had to pay $17,000.00 our of pocket. But I am hearing so much negative feedback here and I can find no long tern results data. I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have shared your story and help me rethink my decision. I don't know if I have the courage to do the RNY to DS surgery. But it seems that is the converging best choice. Thanks so much for not being judgmental and welcoming. I would not recommend the RNY as it seems long term results are showing poor outcomes. I know this is just my opinion and if it worked for you that is wonderful. But I have seen so many failures now that I know I am not alone and I am not totally to blame for all of this. Thanks so much for your continued support.
Sadly, those don't work. The only thing effective about them is draining your bank account.