Looking for anyone who had a RNY Takedown (reversal)

on 6/17/13 3:26 am - Hamilton, NJ
RNY on 04/08/13

I had my surgery 2 months ago and have been sick the whole entire time.  I am even starting to suffer from depression. I am always sick to my stomach. I am on reglan and zofran for the nausea but it doesn't help. I stay nauseous all day.   I have had to have an upper gi series and a small and large bowel series which turned up nothing. I had to have my gall-bladder taken out. I have had 3 kidney stones that I can not pass but are small enough. I almost suffered a blood clot in my lung. I am not eating or drinking well. I am  not getting all my protein in nor am i getting all my liquid intake. I have lost 50 pounds in 2 months which isn't healthy because I am not really eating. When I do eat, I either throw it up or I get the runs. I can not handle any kind of meat and cheese. Chicken, Hamburger, and any other kind of meat doesnt sit with me. All I eat are crackers, pretzels and ramen noodles, and just recently i started handling chef boyardee ravioles.... but that is about it.  I still can get sick off the foods I can handle. I am becoming weak and am tired all the time. I have no energy to do anything. I am starting to lose my hair.  I am sick all the time and I don't wanna be anymore. I am 21yrs old and have a long life to go but if I keep going down this route there will be nothing left of me. I did have a sit down with my doctor and he told me if I wasn't doing any better that he would do a takedown (reversal) and make me back to normal. I am thinking about doing it. But I am looking for anyone who has had a RNY reversal.... Anyone out there??

on 6/17/13 4:38 am

You'd be hard pressed to get any surgeon to do surgery on you only 2 months post op.  Have you tried any protein shakes?  Costco has a good ready to drink one by premier nutrition.  Sams carries it as well.  I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time with recovery.  Are you taking your vitamins?  Have you had IV fluids for dehydration?  Chronic dehydration will cause constant nausea.  I would highly recommend that you get a second opinion from another surgeon.  What you are eating is not good for you at all and WILL contribute to getting the runs.  Right now, I would focus on fluids only.  Drink protein shakes and whatever other fluids you can tolerate.  It can take some trial and error.  You are only 2 months out and your insides are still healing.  Take things slow.  

RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

on 6/18/13 1:00 am

I'm sorry you're having so much trouble, but...you're only 2 months out. A LOT of people still feel like crap at this point. You need to focus on getting in fluids and protein---toss the crackers, pretzels, ramen noodles, and any canned pastas.  They're not just not good for you, they're actively BAD for you at this point. Get yourself some protein shakes, and gag them down if you have to. I promise you'll start feeling better if you can force yourself to get in a minimum of 64 ounces of liquids each and every day---more would be even better.

Post-op depression is fairly common---did your surgeon not warn you about this? So is the hair loss. Google 'telogen effluvium' and you'll learn more than you ever wanted to know about why this happens, and when it will stop. (Having a second surgery will only make it worse, BTW.)

If you do ultimately decide you just can't live with your RNY, here's a link to a list of revision surgeons. At 21, I wouldn't want to live the rest of my live MO, either, and these guys can help you get the most effective, kindest WLS out there.

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/4599894/RNY-to-DS -revision-surgeons/

Good luck!

on 6/18/13 1:39 pm, edited 6/18/13 1:40 pm - Davison, MI

MsBatts has some great advise.

Have you discussed your diet with your Nutritionist?  At two months we couldn't eat most  red/or dry meat or noodles, for sure not ravioli.  Sounds like you need to regress your diet.  Go back to protein shake and make sure you are getting enough protein first and foremost.  Mushies like Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, refried beens, high protein foods and soft.  How much are you eating at a time, at two moths for us (vsg & rny) we could only have 1/4 cup of food,  That is what the volume should be of your pouch at this time.

Hope you get the help you need and get this figure out so you stop feeling poorly.


BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 6/18/13 3:23 pm - Eugene, OR

Ms. Batt gives you some good advice.  All of the stuff you're eating is simple carbohydrates.  With an RNY, they can cause things like dumping syndrome, which is stomach sickness and diarrhea.  How do you do with soup?  If you put some chicken (I'd recommend thighs, as chicken breast is too dry) and vegetables into a broth and blend it up well, it may be easier for your stomach to handle.  Plus, good quality protein and vegetables will give your body some much-needed nutrition.  As for protein drinks - I loved them before I had surgery, but afterwards, I couldn't even stand the smell.  You might try mixing them up and putting them into a travel coffee mug to drink them.  Masking the smell can really help to get them down.  You no doubt feel depressed and ill because you are not getting good nutrients.  The crackers, pretzels, ramen, and ravioli will really cause you problems down the road.  Please cut them out of your diet as soon as possible.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 6/20/13 11:26 pm

I am a failed RNY and I just wanted to let you know that I am so sorry for you and the agony you have gone through. Here you do something to improve your life and it gets worse - that is unfair. I am no expert, but I understand your desire to have it taken down. I just want to leyt you know that there was one lady in my group who had similar symptoms as your and here stoma had just about sealed and she needed 3 endoscopic balloon expansions to correct this, but it made a world of difference to her. I am not saying that is what you need. I am surprised that the upper GI showed no problems with all the difficulties you are having. Stay strong and know that people are wishing you well.


on 6/21/13 1:18 am - Gilbert, AZ
VSG on 03/04/13
I agree with the others, you need to go back to protien drinks. I am 3 1/2 months post op from band to sleeve revision and am unable to eat soild or mushies. I am on three protein drinks a day(5 scoops). I get dizzy, and pass out sometimes, and am shedding like a dog but other than that I am okay. The food you are eating is really bad for you. If you do eat try yogurt, beans, canned tuna, and steamed eggplant. They are much better options, and they taste so much better than the stuff you have been eating.
Good Luck, my advise do not rush into revision right away give your body some time to adjust.

 HW 360 Lap Band 4-15-08 (322)  Revision to Realize Band 11-15-11(249)  Revision to Sleeve 3-4-13 (249) CW 189




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