average weight loss after lap band over gastric bypass revision???
Charmaine, do you mean a Band over bypass (BOB). I think it depends. My doctor told me she thought I'd lose 70lbs, I've lost 80lbs. But, I need to warn you, its REALLY slow, The band is like a diet, its not easy breeezy like the RNY. You could just have a bowel movement with the RNY and drop **** 10lbs. I lost like 20lbs before the surgery - due to a liquid diet and I've lost 60lbs since. i will be 2 yrs out with my BOB next week and 11yrs with my RNY.
Thanks Heather for your response. Now, im wondering if i should even go through it. I should continue to diet. My stomach is about 1 cup & 1/2 and he said it on the large size. My Bariatric doctor have me on a Liquid Meal replacement diet plan for 2 weeks to try to get me back on track. Also, I may have Hernia and if I do they will do the Lap band.