Not losing - did revision fail? PART 2
Many thanks to those *****plied to my previous post. I saw my surgeon on Wednesday and he doesnt believe me when I say I don't have restriction. He also told me the reason I have only lost 15 pounds in 9 weeks is because I am not exercising 5 miles per day. I am frustrated because I walk 2 miles a day (30 minutes) because due to my arthritis that is all I am able to do without my joints stiffening up. Prior to surgery he said exercise 30 minutes a day and now he says at a minumum 1-2 hours a day. I honestly dont have that kind of time on top of my arthritis issues.
When I say I have no restriction, I mean I measure my food religiously and still am not full when I am done about 2 hours my stomach starts growling again. He is the only surgeon my insurance will let me see. He also told me to cut out my protein supplments to reduce my caloric intake. My food log looks good according to my nutritionist, so I just dont understand what is going on. I regret this surgery so much. All it managed to do was interfere with my anti-depressants. THe weight loss, in my opinion, is just due to my diet and exericse....not the surgery.
Don't lose faith! I know how your feeling as I did to at 2 months. I swear it will get better.
You doc is a A** If he doesn't know that you don't feel restriction because he cut all the nerve ending in your stomach, he shouldn't be advising you. We never see our surgeon after surgery and I always thought that was awful. Not I don't think I missed anything. We see the PA and she told me to measure, measure and measure as some people don't feel full/restriction for 2/3 months. Your a revision and you are losing almost 2 pounds a week That is OK in our book. 30 minutes a day should be good for walking.
At two months out;
My portions were 1-2 oz protein + 1 tbs starch 3X perday per Nut but, she is pro high carb so where she want starch, I eat protein
1/4 to 1/3 cup protein(2-3 oz) three times a day + 3 protein shakes a day
Moving from 2-3 months I would replace a shake with 2-3 oz solid protein.
If you would like more detailed info, pm me as my official advise is follow your doc's Nut's advise
We are told we may still have to use protein suppliments at 18 months plus.