Revision Butterflies

on 5/12/13 6:17 am

I'm getting so excited as I am nearly finished with all the pre-requisites for my revision.  I am hoping to have it scheduled for the end of June or early July!  I am so determined to do things right this go time.  I recognize the blessing that I am being given with this second chance.  I'm in a much more stable, sound setting.  I have an amazing husband who is the most supportive person. 

I am very nervous about the fact of an open surgery this time - last time was a hand-assisted laparoscopic procedure.  I posted a few months back asking for input on what to expect with the open revision, and was asked about considering the DS.  (So sorry that I didn't get back with those of you that responded... thank you for your responses, please forgive my rudeness!) My surgeon does not do the DS, and with my insurance, he's my only option...  BUT he comes very highly recommended! I'm still just nervous about having drains and the big incision! 

What are some things that you all have done differently this time to better your chances at success?  Do you guys go to any support groups?  This is something that I did not have the option of participating in last time. 

Thanks for your advice and tips!!  Also, it's been soooooooo long since I've had the protein drinks (like almost 10 years!!) What kinds/types do you recommend?  I'm open to suggestions! 

on 5/12/13 12:15 pm - Vancouver, WA

I haven't tried them (just ordered samples) yet but I've heard Click has some tasty drinks and also Syntax or Syntrex something like that has some good ones. I hated the ones I tried 5 yrs ago when I had surgery and only drank Isopure ready to drink. They were OK burt did still have a bit of a funny taste to them.

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