Don't know what's going on... getting frustrated! Help!!
Well, I had my band to sleeve revision on 4/29. It was a really rough first week with the recovery!! The nausea was horrible!! My surgeon just kept telling me that the revision was more complicated and would be a harder recovery. I cam home and stayed on clear liquids an extra day before moving to full. I made the transition pretty smoothly and was tolerating yogurt, pudding, strained cream soup, applesauce, etc. Then Wednesday night I was taking my (crushed) medicine and felt like it got "stuck" (like with the good ol band). So, like with the band, I made me mistake of trying to drink.... which made it worse. After over an hour of hiccuping and burping I finally just encouraged myself to throw up! I finally felt better and was able to sleep.
So, I called my doctor Thursday and they told me to do ice chips and clear liquids for a few hours, then full the rest and call the next morning. Same thing - fine during the day.... tried to take meds in yogurt and boom!! Had to throw it up. Called doc Friday morning and she said stay on clears until Monday and call back. Well, gotta get the meds in - used yogurt again.... same crap!!
Today I have gotten my Prilosec in with some Jello.... but I am starting to really worry I may have screwed up deciding to do this -OR- that something is really wrong (from the band) and I may never be "normal" again!!
Did anyone else with band to sleeve experience this?? I am really depressed and scared!!! Any info appreciated!
It could be that your body just doesn't like yogurt. Prior to my sleeve surgery, I had planned on scrambled eggs and tuna salad with yogurt dressing to be the mainstays of my diet. My body would tolerate neither. I was flabbergasted. But, every experiment I did with tuna completely failed - no grilled, canned, poached tuna of any shape kind or sort. It all came right back up. Same with scrambled eggs. It never occurred to me that it was the food itself that was the problem. Eventually I discovered I could eat hard boiled eggs. Interestingly enough, with my revision so far it appears that I can't eat eggs at all.
Perhaps trying to take your meds with another liquid would help. To get mine in initially, I would eat first, wait the 20-30 minutes, and then take a pill with a sip of liquid. At the beginning I could swear I felt the pill traveling the length of my esophagus and at the end, sort of "ploop" into my stomach. It was quite an odd sensation. And, it took both breakfast and lunch to get my pills in.
btw - I ended up doing cottage cheese with unsweetened applesauce and a sweetener packet added. I still eat that for breakfast. It is a frustrating adventure at first to find foods that we can tolerate. However, once you get familiar with what works for you, you will always have that as a baseline to fall back on when other things fail.
Hope you feel better!
Hi Tonna,
I also had a revision from RNY to DS. I am 5 months out, had complications, and was NPO for 8 weeks. Eating is still a chore for me. I throw up almost daily mostly in the evening but I used to throw up several times a day. I found I could tolerate more earlier in the day but after 4 nothing but liquids were possible. I am on a PPI which has helped. Give it time you tummy had been through hell and needs time to heal. You'll be ok. Buyers remorse is normal.
Good luck

Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19
Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods
sorry for the typos...

Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19
Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods
Hi Tonya--
Just ignore me if I'm wrong. My band surgery was 10 years ago so it's been a really, really long time since I've been on the liquid diet but is full liquids really going straight to yogurt and pudding already or is things like protein drinks? It seems like yogurt was the next phase after protein drinks? But again....I could be wrong becasue it's been a really, really long time since I've done this.
And regardless..I'm so sorry you feel so lousy. I know you have to get your meds down!
What is really worrying me is I am looking into revising my band to a sleeve and I was hoping the puking would stop after I get this band taken out. I didn't think it would happen anymore unless I got the flu. Guess I was wrong. :(
I hope you start to feel better soon!
Washington State
Sorry you're having trouble. I think you may just still be swollen and we do tend to retain fluids as the day goes on. I'm guessing maybe the yogurt is a little thick and maybe doesn't go down as smooth as say the jello or applesauce, maybe try a warm drink like tea first then try the meds with jello and see if that works. Some just have to stay on the clears longer than others and if you are vomiting you are irritating your little tummy just like with the band and may need to stick with more liquidy things awhile longer. It will get better I'm sure just baby yourself a little longer till your tummy calms down. Hugs
Try to stick with the protein drinks at least 3 a day. If I only do two I get dizzy. I use 4 scoops of Unjury a day. I hope it does not take you as long as it is taking me to take in mushie/solid food.