Band to RNY Revision - need information please

on 5/7/13 12:02 am
RNY on 08/14/13

I had the band January 2007.  I started at 305 and lost down to 185 in 2.5 years.  I was still losing when I got pregnant, had an unfill during pregnancy.  After my 6 week checkup, I went back to start doing fills again... then all problems started.  I have gained back 75 pounds lost after struggling and beating myself up for "failing". 

Now, I have a slipped band and dilated esophagus.  My original surgeon wants to keep working with the band, so I found a new surgeon and he said the band needed to be removed asap and suggested revision to RNY.  I'm going through the labs, info seminar, and mental health eval really quickly (labs done 5.3, info seminar tonight 5.7, pre surgery class and support group 5.9, mental health eval 5.17) so that surgery can be approved by insurance and scheduled by 5.27.

Here are my questions:

What is recovery time going to be like? When I had lapband; surgery was on a Monday, home on Tuesday, back at work the next week.

I have a 6 month old and 2 1/2 year old... any suggestions to make recovery time easier with small kids??? My mom keeps them during the day at her house and my husband is awesome... so I should have plenty of help.

I've read that weight loss is slower for revision patients...but I'm at 265, so I have a lot to lose...

I'm so very nervous!!! I've researched and researched and I feel this is the best decision for my health, but I'm worried about risks outside of the traditional risks of bypass surgery since this is a revision, does anyone know if revisions are riskier?

Thanks for your help, and although I'm scared, I am excited to start on this journey!



on 5/7/13 5:37 am - Vancouver, WA

While I don't have personal experience I do know several people who have revised to RNY, I know more who have revised to the sleeve but sounds like you want the RNY so I'll address that. You are making a wise move to get rid of the band and it is very common to have lots of problems after pregnancy. I don't know why but pregnancy for some reason messes up the effectiveness of the band, which is fairly ineffective anyway. So here goes:

1. Recovery is probably going to be longer because it is a more invasive surgery, how long can vary, for some a few days for others a couple of weeks so I guess plan for longer and be excited if it takes less.

2.It may be a bit slower but I also know others who have lost like gangbusters so it kinda depends on how strict you are with your diet and exercise. Sounds like you did well with the band when it was working so you should do well with the RNY I would think. Do keep in mind that you really have to take advantage of the first 18-24 mos., since after that time the body tends to start reabsorbing calories again and it gets more difficult to lose. If you have made lifestyle changes you should do pretty well with maintaining, if not it will be more difficult.

3. I don't think there is a huge difference in risk, it may take longer depending on how much damage the band has done, it sometimes does horrific things to people. However I wouldn't spend too much time stressing, it just doesn't accomplish anything.

I wish you the best and hope it all works out for you. You might post this on the RNY forum too, they can probably give you more info.



on 5/7/13 8:25 am

Just had my revision from band to rny on 4/29 and had my band since 11/06. Things are great, I feel wonderful, for a "more invasive" surgery it was easier then the band at least for me. Surgery took 3 hr lots of scar tissue etc. I have 2 younger kids and I would say by post op day 4 my energy was up. I was only on pain meds thru post op day 3. I have been driving out and about shopping etc. since post op day 5. I am going back to work next week. I think it really is an individual thing and I don't care what anyone says it also depends on your surgeons technique. I was scared out of my mind thats why I had the band instead of the rny all those years ago but really I am so happy and feel so much better with that band out of me. Best wishes things will be just fine:)

on 5/8/13 12:26 am

Yes, revisions are a bit riskier, and it's really going to depend on how much damage your Band has caused. I wanted to suggest that before you have the RNY, and while you still have a relatively intact stomach, you also research the DS. The DS has the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats, and the most permanent impact on one's metabolism. It sounds like you could use the metabolic boost that ONLY the DS gives.

If you read this board much, you'll find a lot of folks who've had their RNY revised to the DS, but you won't find many---I can only think of ONE---who've gone the other way.

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