RNY Intermitant small bowl obstruction needs fixing considering revision
So long time no posting and very little lurking, I am almost 5 years out and still 90 lbs down from my high, so yah to that. Life got busy and hubby needed my focus for various issues and I have been too busy to focus on myself. Typical right? lol any who.. about 3 years ago I started having occasional sever pain in my abdomen right in the middle below my ribs. PCP first thought chronic constipation, but I am very careful to monitor that. She basically said take more stool softeners and don't be too concerned. well it got more frequent and she didn't seem to be taking me seriously. I also had a lot of mussel and joint pain and I mean constant pain. she said I just wasn't exercising enough. so I changed pcps. New dr took me seriously and sent me for a butt ton of tests for the muscle pain and sent me to a gastro for the excruciating episodes of abdominal pain. I was diagnosed with fibro last year and am currently being treated for that. an ongoing process. as to the abdominal pain, talk about an ongoing process. the pains have been getting worse more frequent and longer in duration. still diagnosing to be sure, but it looks like it is more then likely a sb obstruction, more then likely caused by an internal hernia from the RNY. if I have to have surgery to correct that, and since it has caused my upper sb to basically stretch to the size of a small stomach, I was considering consulting with my surgeon about a revision. I would like to hear any similar stories, and to hear from people who have had revisions, what they revised to, RNY with more bypass, DS, VSG? looking for vast amounts of information, as I like lots to base my decisions upon. Thanks so much all!!
Shasta, RNY 8/6/08
I'm not at all informed on RNY so can't help much with that except to advise post this on the RNY and DS forums, both have some very well educated folks. As for your fibro we have a fibro forum on OH and if you have any questions or issues feel free to post there and we'll be glad to try to help. It's not a fun thing to be stuck with for sure!