Revision from Lap Band to not sure Sleeve or By Pass Help

(deactivated member)
on 4/30/13 3:25 am


I had the Lap Band done 4 years ago with not to much luck no matter how many fills I had I still had no restriction so a month ago I had my Gall Bladder and  Umbilicol Hernia removed. I went for my two week appointment and my surgeon who did procedure and also he did my lap band said that it is not working for me that I should do Gastric ByPass or Sleeve. 

So here I am trying to find out what others think and if they have been through the same and what choice they made and why?

I just am looking for input so that I may make the rite decision I have to go back in another month and discuss on choice's. I want to be healthy and lose weight but I want for once to make the correct decision.

Thanks, all would be appreciated

on 4/30/13 4:55 am - Vancouver, WA

I still have my band, tho it is empty, if I revise it will be to the sleeve because from my research it lasts a lifetime (with minimal stretching) where the RNY only malabsorbs for 18-24 mos. then the body figures out how to absorb more calories again. Then you are left with just the restriction of a small pouch which can still stretch more. With the sleeve they remove the stretchy part of the stomach so it isn't able to stretch back out very much unless you flat out abuse the amounts you eat. Many count on the dumping from the RNY but in reality only about 30% actually dump and you can't guarantee who will or won't. I personally don't want to have my insides re-routed but don't mind the idea of removing 80% of a stomach that holds too much. Just a personal opinion. I'm sure there will be RNYers who will tell you they prefer their surgery so in the long run it is up to you to research the pros and cons of both and don't forget the DS it too is an excellent surgery. Just depends on what you can live with long term. Good luck to you whatever you choose!

on 4/30/13 5:32 am - Gilbert, AZ
VSG on 03/04/13
I am a band to sleeve revision. I am two months out and do not mind the sleeve. I still throw up and can not keep down mushies but at least I keep down all my fluids. My doctor would not give me the RNY because he said with my scar tissue it was just too scarry. I had excellent restriction with my band I could hardly eat or keep anything down fluids included. I passed out alot and had to be hospitilized for dehydration on occasion. I lost and maintained 80lb lose from my first Lap Band surgery in 08.
I am down around 22lbs but have stalled for the time being.
Good Luck on whatever your decision is.

 HW 360 Lap Band 4-15-08 (322)  Revision to Realize Band 11-15-11(249)  Revision to Sleeve 3-4-13 (249) CW 189




on 5/3/13 1:39 am - NY
VSG on 10/12/12

I'm a band to sleeve revision as well.

Got my band in 2008, lost 50lbs but never more than that.  Slowly started regaining and eventually got GERD and a hiatal hernia.  I revised in October 2012 and I've never looked back.  The sleeve does everything the band was "supposed" to do.  I have restriction, I don't get food stuck or puke anymore, I satiated faster and longer, etc.

I didn't want the RNY because I didn't want a "blind stomach", I wanted to be able to take NSAIDS, and regain scares me.  I know I have some head work to do with my eating but I feel like the sleeve is better because like the above poster said, it is harder to stretch the sleeve.  My sister got the RNY almost a year ago and already she is eating larger portions.  I feel concerned for her but I can only do so much. 

I also didn't want to deal with malabsorption issues with RNY.  You must be extra diligent with nutrients and vitamins with the RNY otherwise you will look ashen and ill half the time.  Majority of the people I know who have gotten RNY are NOT diligent with their nutrients and vitamins and they just look sick to me.  I also didn't want to deal with the dumping syndrome. I had enough of puking and getting stuck with the band.

Good luck!

band to sleeve revision and loving life!

You do you, and I'll do me

(deactivated member)
on 5/3/13 5:37 am

Thank You for the replies I truly appreciate it very much to hear each persons experience. I am also not into the RNY for reason of all that it entails and I think the sleeve might work better for me but I have another month to go before I decide and all input it appreciated to help me go in the rite direction.

~~Sami~~ *.
on 5/10/13 11:42 am - Jacksonville, FL


I was revised from a Band to a Sleeve about 5 years ago.  I think it making this decision, you need to ask yourself:

* How long was I morbidly obese prior to my Lap-Band?

* Do you think you need malabsorption, or will restriction be enough?

* What percentage of weight loss can you be happy with?

* Are you willing to consider another operation down the line?


The sleeve (for me) was quite successful, but I never reached a "normal" weight.  I got down to 220 (so -50 pounds), and then got pregnant.  After my pregnancy, I dropped down to 190 (which was my lowest adult weight) and then stayed around 195-200 for about a year.  Unfortunately, in the past 5 months I've gained 45 pounds, and I honestly have no idea why.  I'm much more active (I track steps daily with a FitBit), my diet has not changed.  But, I've had this gain.  I spoke with my surgeon, and he suggests the DS.  I'm going to give myself a year to get down to 220 (where I was originally).  If I can't, then I'll probably go for the DS (or I might if I start to gain even more).


I loved my sleeve over my Band.  Such a better quality of life.  I've seen far too many RNYers on revision boards to ever recommend that, and the lifestyle is just as bad as the Band, IMHO.


I did have a PTH/Vit. D issue early on with my sleeve, but Vitalady helped me resolve that.


I think for me, your choice would be sleeve or DS. I wouldn't even consider the RNY to be honest.

Lap-Band June 14, 2001. Dr. Rumbaut, Monterrey, Mexico.
Lap-Band removed after 7 years and converted to Sleeve Gastrectomy on July 7, 2008 by Dr. Roslin.  I've had three happy healthy Lap-Band babies.... and one VSG baby.  5 years out from revision to VSG.  Gained 55 pounds in past 5 months, now considering DS. :(


on 5/11/13 10:51 am, edited 5/11/13 11:00 am - Miami, FL
Revision on 04/29/13

I am a sleeve to bypass revision.  At first I loved the sleeve, and steadily dropped weight. I was 318 on the day of my surgery, and went down to 248 in 7 months. Initially, there was some difficulty adjusting to what and how much I could eat, which is to be expected.  However, after the initial 7 months of loss, it was like a door slammed shut, and it seemed I couldn't lose another ounce.  I maintained the loss but didn't lose any more than that for a year.  Then, I got discouraged and gave up - I began eating improperly - gradually, but noticeably.  By the time I had my revision, which was April 29th, I was back up to 293 lbs. 

I was also completely against having a bypass.  I didn't want any rerouting of my innards, etc.  I was afraid of the malabsorption, possible complications, etc.  My PCP began encouraging me toward revision 4 months after I stopped losing.  She had wanted me to have the bypass from the beginning. 

Although it is ultimately your decision, ask your primary care doc what she/he thinks.  How high is your BMI?  What, if any, other weight related illnesses are you experiencing? 

I am still dubious about my revision, but I need to always remember that if I do this right, it will work. My surgeon reminds me that it takes about an hour for him to do the surgery, but it will take about 5 years for me to change my head.

I had thought the sleeve would give me a loss of 50-60% of my total weight, not 50-60% of my excess weight.  As I regained weight, I began to experience the same pain and activity restrictions I was having prior to my sleeve surgery.  I think it felt much more noticeable because I had weighed less, and had enjoyed some freedom of movement.   

I am also much more hopeful about not experiencing as many of the malabsorption issues, as there are so many liquid vitamins and such available now.  I can only tell you what my experience has been - and I completely respect your concerns regarding having things rerouted.   

However, I can truly say that I now believe I was always a better candidate for a bypass than a sleeve.  I feel as though I was in denial about how much weight I needed to lose, and how I would accomplish that.  I made a huge mistake by playing with the ability to eat sugar after about 15 months, and that is ultimately what led to the regaining.  The self-hate was horrible, but now at least I am giving myself another chance. 

Good luck with your decision. 


HW:325 CW:318 GW:160 
on 5/11/13 10:59 am - Miami, FL
Revision on 04/29/13
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