Band to Sleeve Revision - Date Set!!
I am really excited for you! I wish I had some advice, but Im looking for the same advice too. I just got approved for the band-to-sleeve revision. Will they do your band removal & sleeve in one day or will it be a 2 part surgery?
Congratulations on getting your date!
I had mine done in two surgeries! By doing that the sleeve was a breeze. It was easier than getting the band and having it removed. I did find out from my sister and DD that had virgin sleeves that the morphine pump made the sick. So after using it the first couple hours I realized it was making me sick. So I let them know and they took it out and dumped the morphine the next am. The only pain meds I needed was the morning they let me go they gave me some for the ride home and I was grateful they did.
As I did the first time I way over bought protein shakes and the first foods for full liquids and mushies. Also when your first get the sleeve you may have the feeling that you are always hungry and that the surgery didn't't work for you. Keep in mind that your tummy has been cut which meant cutting nerves. It take time for them to heal and in the mean time you can feel like you can eat a lot and anything-DON"T. Measure everything so you don't over eat your tummy and do damage. I gave this advise to others, knew it in my head but, when the time came I still had to have someone say it to me to get it thru my head at the time.
Good Luck.
I sure wish you all would join the band to sleeve group so we could have these conversations there for all of us in the same boat too!
Thanks all! I am so happy for you AngDenise. May 28th, WooHoo!
PineView, I will look into that group now, thanks for the reply & info. You rock!!!