Revision Scheduled Next Tuesday 4/16
Well, I have another GI bleed... an open Revision, Partial Gastrectomy, G or J-Tube placement has been scheduled for 4/16....if I don't bleed out before then....YIKES! So I guess I'm doing this, basically this GI Bleed(#6) has made surgical repair my only option. My surgeon originally told me he was going to remove my entire remnant and then when I was in the office yesterday he decided that he would only take about 80% and leave the rest incase I need it at a later date. We discussed all the "possibles" leak, infection & thoracotomy being a few. I will stay inpatient for a minimum of 7days & will probably start off in the SICU. Blood transfusions will most likely be needed. I already loosing blood & I'm already anemic. I am pretty scared about this surgery. My husband & I will be updating my living will. Which scares me even more. If anyone has gone through the same thing....advice is appreciated.