Wish me luck

on 4/2/13 11:18 am - Eugene, OR

I've done tons of reading, tried lots of meds, tried lots of exercise, and this Thursday, I'm meeting with my internist to ask that he stand behind me in an effort to have a RNY to DS revision, hopefully with Dr. Keshishian.  My surgeon has offered to reverse my RNY -- HELLO?  Do I want to gain all my weight back?  NO!  However, I have hypoglycemia so bad that I'm beginning to run out of things I can eat.  I'm down to basically green veggies and protein.  I can't do plain yogurt anymore, no cottage cheese or other dairy products (I can eat small amounts of cheese).  No refined carbs at all.  Fruit has become a dangerous thing for me to eat.  My blood sugar falls, I get sweaty, dizzy, and I've passed out a few times.  I've been put on acarbose, phentermine, topamax (not good for me in any way, shape, or form), and they tried to put me on octreotide, but it's way too expensive and I already have most of the possible side effects.  I really see no remedy to the situation besides getting my pyrolic valve back.  I'd like to keep my tiny tummy while doing that, so I imagine a DS is the best way to go and I'd like the best guy to do it.

Even if I'm very strict with my diet, I'm exhausted, and have continued taking half a phentermine each day just so I can stay awake.  This is not good for my health.  When I was working, my insurance paid for my RNY.  Now that I'm retired, the retiree insurance does not cover WLS.  I've talked to them and, they have indicated that if I get enough documentation about how this is impacting my health, they may pay for it.  Good lord, just take a look at my glucose meter!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 4/2/13 12:13 pm

I'll be swinging critters for you!

on 4/5/13 7:14 am - Eugene, OR

Well, maybe the swinging critters worked!  My doc has given me a few things he wants me to do, which might not be that easy, but I think they are wise advice.  He's pretty certain my insurance will require that I see if I can have this done locally, which both my doc and I know I can't, but I need to make an appointment (if I can) with a local bariatric surgeon and get their opinion.  He wants me to discuss reversing my surgery with my gastric surgeon, asking that I get to keep my tiny tummy.  We both know that's not likely to happen either.  Anyway, he agrees that I really need to do something.  The low blood sugars are dangerous and my quality of life kinda sucks.  I gave him Dr. Keshisian's article and he read most of it while we were waiting for the computer server to come back up while we talked.  I'm fortunate to have a good internist.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 4/3/13 6:36 am - Palmer, AK


I want to add my 2 cents.  Sometimes you have to BE YOUR OWN BEST ADVOCATE for yourself, even with your upcoming appointment with your internist.  Do you have a 'convincing argument' to discuss with your internist, just in case your internist is not for your having a revision from RNY to DS?  Maybe want to keep this thought in the back of your mind is all I am saying.

I truely wish our providers were all advocates for us and our health, bus sometimes they are against us.  I have had my PCP for well over 10 years, and I have had to be an advocate for my weight loss surgery revision more than once, prior to being approved.  (He wanted me to get a band on top of the RNY.  **SNORT**  ~~ I laughed at him and told him I DID NOT want the crapband on top of this crappy RNY!!!!  I told him I wanted a revision from the RNY to the DS.  PERIOD.  MY PCP finally came around)

RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

on 4/3/13 9:11 am - Eugene, OR

Yes, I think I am prepared.  My doc has generally been great and has really been on my side, but I don't know how he will feel about this.  I have printed out Keshishian's article for him, regarding the hyperinsulinism and dumping being the fault of the digestive path, and virtually nothing else.  My Surgeon only offered to reverse my RNY.  Yes, that would stop the dumping, but I'd most likely gain my weight back.  I am totally unwilling to undergo surgery for a negative effect.  I think I'll know what I'm talking about.  I've done so much reading, and I'm taking some of it with me, just in case he's not prepared to take my word for it.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

Member Services
on 4/9/13 2:29 am - Irvine, CA

Sending good thoughts as you have been through the ringer!

H.A.L.A B.
on 4/13/13 10:18 pm
Linda. Good lunch with the switch. I had been dealing with RH... I can control that with my diet but as you I am stuck with proteins veggies and nuts. My endo did bunch of tests and I do deal with adrenal insufficiency. I need more tests to verify why. Hope you get the switch.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 4/14/13 2:41 pm - Davison, MI

Good Luck!

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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