Is it possible to reach goal weight after revision surgery?

michelle M.
on 3/20/13 7:03 am - oakdale, PA
RNY on 01/17/13

I had a stomach staplling in 1995 and gained all of my weight back.  I under went gastric RNY surgery 8 weeks ago and am losing about 8 lbs per month.  My question is what are the chances that i will be able to get all of my weight off.  My doctor told me I may only lose 50 to 60 lbs and that i probably won't be able to get much below that.  My sw was 232 lbs and I am now at 204lbs.  My personal goal is to reach 145 lbs but people said that i need to lose 20 extra lbs because of the regain once I heal completely.   

It is too early to get upset, but of course i am dwelling on that issue.  Is there any revisions that have lost all of their weight and more and how did they do it.

Thanks for any input and encouragement.










on 3/20/13 8:18 am - Vancouver, WA

I know people have it kinda depends on how dedicated you are. If you follow the eating plan and do lots of exercise it can happen. Also you have to continue the plan for life not just until you get to goal. The ones who succeed are the ones *****alize this is a life long change. Good luck to you and don't worry about how fast you lose just take it one day at a time!


on 3/20/13 10:57 am

only you can decide how much you are going to lose. my biggest advise is to really us the first 6 months to lose as much as you can.  i talked to a psychologist when i was revising and she said that i really needed to work at losing as much as i could in the first 6 months.  i really tried to watch what i ate and exercised as much as i could.  i lost down to 149 lowest. i wanted to get to 145.  my body settled at 155 and i weighed that for a long time.  i recently regained 4-5 pounds and know that it is my blood sugars fluctuating and me eating too many calories. 

i honestly think our bodies tell us where we need to be. its too early to stress over calories.  honestly i lost slow and steady. when everybody else had stalls i was still losing and was happy with that.  even if i seen 1/2 pound difference i was happy. try not to look at your weight every day.  i only used fridays as my official weight

if your not exercising start, even if its walking.  you are considered a light weight and you are going to lose somewhat slower. follow your food guidelines and don't introduce things too early.  measure your food




on 3/21/13 1:00 pm

My surgeon warned me that I may not lose any weight, as my revision was mainly to address side effects of my first surgery and not for weight loss.  I was so sick and miserable that I didn't even care but I did not want to gain any more weight.

I was able to use my recovery period to change my eating habits and did a lot of soul searching about why I failed with my first surgery and the number one reason was that I didn't really change my eating and I was addicted to refined carbs and out of control with them.  The recovery period allowed me to detox from them and make the decision to let allow them back into my diet.  That is the main reason I believe I reached goal.  

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 4/1/13 3:31 pm
RNY on 02/24/12

I am under my goal wt but my goal wt was a little higher than what someone else may have chosen.  I like the fact that at 146 my BMI is normal.  I was a yr out in February and honestly didn't know what was realistic expectations at my age and health issues (fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, arthritis in both knees, herniated disk).  I have to carefully watch what I eat since I can't do aerobic exercise.  Thus far, the small pouch gets full on small meals and I'm never very hungry.  The first 6 - 8 months I had to remember to eat.  

Banded  Oct 2008:  290       
RNY Feb 2012:        245    
Dr's set goal:            170 reached Oct 11, 2012
My goal:                     160  reached Dec 1, 2012
Today :                       145-150

I am half the person I was in 2008.

michelle M.
on 4/2/13 10:13 pm - oakdale, PA
RNY on 01/17/13

I am so excited for you.  You have given me some hope.  I am following a low carb diet and i am not craving any garbage food.  So nice to be able to walk by candy and sandwiches and not be drawn to nibble on them.  My weight loss is slow by my own standards and i am impatient, but this Friday i am putting the scale away and sticking to weighing myself just once a week.  I have become obsessed with checking my weight.  I think this obsession may be a subsitute for not eating...Great that you have been successful and i hope i won't be far behind you.




on 4/3/13 5:42 am, edited 4/3/13 5:46 am - Davison, MI

You are kicking butt at 8 pounds per month.  There is no set rate with revision surgery.  You will get out of it what you put into it.  I was band to sleeve and am two months out am only down 5 pounds from my low with the band.  But, I am down the 30 pound regain from having the band out 4.5 months.

Also my center choose to use a weight from when I showed up at the NUT class dehydrated from the flu.  They don't even take into account I'm a revision.  The 60% would make me 188 (they had my goal weight at 203 with the band so the formula they use is dumb) and I would be happy with that.  My goal was to be ban low or less, under 200 and off HBP meds.  I have made all three in two months.  Normal would be 167 if I follow plan and make that great if not I just want o be health at my age.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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