Eroded band!

on 1/29/13 11:02 pm

I discovered on Jan 18th that my band has eroded into my stomach.  The scope shows that it has eroded all the way through the stomach wall.  Okay, I am not presenting with any signs such as fever or illness.  So I have been waiting for the surgeon to get copies of the pictures, so he can see exactly where the band is, and see if I can ever have a revision surgery.  They said that scar tissue has kept me from leaking and becoming septic. 

The earliest I can get in to see the Dr. is Feb 14th.  Am I a little crazy to feel like this is an emergency and needs to be taken out STAT??  Just wanted to know any experiences of erosion from others, how long you waited for it to be taken out, and were you able to revise?  I am eating soft, mushy foods and liquids - as I discovered that solids tend to hit the band in my stomach and cause pain. 

Thanks in advance for any words of advice!

P.S. The Dr I am seeing is only in the office 1 day a week, he is in surgery the rest of the week.  I am not seeing the Dr who originally placed my band (Lafayette, LA) because I feel like she is most likely the reason I am in this situation now. 


on 1/30/13 3:59 am - Davison, MI

What the hell are they waiting for?  An eroded band can be life threatening.  What are they waiting for to have the scar tissue pull and cause you to become septic.  I would be appalled and seeing if some one else willing to take you on. Someone else on here had the same thing and before they got around to seeing her she ended up in ER having an emergency band removal.  Is all the fluid out?

Well if you are seeing someone else I understand them working you in.  But, they are aware you could be on the ER door step any minute.  I would go back on shakes in the meantime.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 1/30/13 9:53 am
Revision on 01/23/13

 No I would not be comfortable waiting that long to see the surgeon, let alone to have surgery. I'm not sure about going straight to a revision when there is erosion involved. I had a slipped band and revised to the RNY, they had to removed the part of my stomach the band was adhered too. But it seems like yours being completely eroded that you may have to give yourself a few months to heal after it's removed.


 Is your new surgeon aware that your band has eroded? If I were in your shoes I would obtain a CD of your upper GI and take it with you to your appt. (and get that appt bumped up) Just call the facility where you had your imaging done and tell them you need a cd of your tests and they'll let you know when to pick it up. It's a lot faster than waiting for them to mail it to your surgeon. (trust me I go through this at my job everyday & I always tell my clients to pick up their own films/slides and bring them with to see the surgeon. I we waited for the hosptals/imaging facility to do it we'd be waiting 2-4 weeks). If you do this make sure you get it back after your appt -keep your CD with you. Let them obtain copys-that's fine but the originals should stay with you.

 I hope this helps and I hope you get in sooner than what you have scheduled. Agree that it is wise to stick to shakes or pureed type foods til you know what's going on.

Big Hugs! So sorry you are going through this :0(


on 1/31/13 4:12 am

Thanks for the replies!  I just heard from the Dr.'s office.  They got my pics in and the Dr will see me next Thursday to talk to him and sign consent forms.  Surgery will be Feb 13.  I feel better that it has been moved up.  I can make it.  From what the nurse said, my pics showed that my case was not as severe as what the dr was thinking it would be from reading the report.  So...  that is great news!!!

on 1/31/13 4:14 am

I think he will make me wait a year before I can have anymore WLS.  It's okay though, I just want this band out for now!  That is what is most important right now!

on 2/2/13 7:39 am
Revision on 01/23/13

Well yes, that's good! I agree-best you get the band out and the damage repaired and go from their. You can always ask him if he gets in there and he feels comfortable if he would revise you at the same time. Some will and some won't. But I am glad you are getting in soon. ((Hugs))


on 2/2/13 10:55 pm - Plainfield, IL

Annie, can I ask what symptoms you DID have?  I have had my band for 10 years, had problems, got a barium swallow and nothing else.  I think something is wrong in there and I found a new Dr but have to wait for my surgical report.



on 2/4/13 12:37 am

Well, about every three or four months I would get really sharp pains on my left side around rib cage.  It would leave within 24-48 hours and I honestly just thought it was just gas.  When I finally realized I had a problem, it was this past Christmas day.  Everything that I swallowed seemed to "hit" something in my stomach causing pain.  It was if there was a sore in my stomach and my food was aggravating it. 

I did have problems right after I was banded.  Seemed too tight, would throw up - with no fill in band.  I would go back to my dr.  They would shake it off, that is normal, blah blah blah.  I even had them to do an upper GI once.  Their response " I think it is in the right place."  No further testing, I should have ran.  So after not being heard that I was having problems, I then just decided I was crazy, and ignored all the rest of the signs. 

So, if you even suspect you are having a problem, I suggest you follow up on it ASAP!  At this point, the dr. is not sure if I will EVER EVER be able to revise to another weight loss surgery.  I am fixing to undergo a surgery that can be very dangerous, to remove the band from the inside of my stomach, all because I was not heard, then I chose to live with the pain. 

I hope your new Dr. takes great care of you and listens.  I was not running fever, or presenting with any of the signs that you would associate with erosion.  So, I would suggest you get and EGD just to make sure. 

Please keep me posted on how you are doing!



on 2/6/13 1:05 pm - Plainfield, IL

Your story is scaring me senseless.  I am stuck in limbo awaiting my surgical records to see a new surgeon and I have no idea who the heck I am seeing at this point. Are you confident with who you are seeing to take this band out?  Sorry to ask so many questions...when is your removal surgery, what tests have you had and where is your Dr located.  Sorry to be a pain but I am full of fear right now.  I need to get a grip, really.

on 2/6/13 11:29 pm

I understand your fear completely!  I cried for a week after I found out I was eroded.  The Dr. I am seeing is a great surgeon.  However, none of the bands he has placed have ever eroded.  He has taken eroded bands out of people who were banded in Mexico.  I see him face to face tomorrow.  It was supposed to be today, but they moved me to tomorrow because he had a big surgery this morning and the office was totally booked - meaning long waiting times.  He is in Monroe, LA.  His name is Dr. Walter Sartor.  He did my mom's sleeve and several other people that I know use him.  He does other surgeries as well, such as colon resections, etc... you name it, he does it.  My removal surgery is next Wednesday, Feb 13. 

I went in for a consult, I was just gonna have him take band out and convert to sleeve.  I only saw the nurse that day.  (He is in office 1 day a week - the rest are his surgery days).  When I told her my symptoms, she said she didn't think I was eroded because I wasn't sick, but she would ask him if he wanted to do an Upper GI or EGD (upper endoscope).  After talking with nurse, he ordered the EGD.  They run the scope down into the stomach and look around.  The gastro dr told me that he saw the band in my stomach and showed me the picture.  It was black.  That was a terrible sight! 

Where are you located?  My cousin used a doctor in Houston,Texas to do her sleeve, and he does lapband revision surgery.  She loves him and wanted me to come there.  I just couldn't drive 5 hours one way.  His name is Dr. Marvin. 

Now, a couple of yrs ago I had an Upper GI (done at the Dr office that placed my band).  They said "I think it is in the right place."  No further tests performed by them.  Was it eroded then, I don't know. 

I am a librarian, so I am always researching something.  Different studies show different statistics for erosion.  So, I really don't know the percentage it really happens to.  The surgery looks tough, but most of the studies show that people don't die from it.  (I just knew I was a goner!)  I think a lot will have to do with infection, if there is any, and if the surgeon can manage to suck it all up in his little vacuum and keep it from seeping into the body. 

I found out I was eroded on Jan 18.  So I have had a little time to wrap my head around it.  I have prayed and prayed.  I have a peace now about it that I am going to be fine.   Another little tidbit of info, I had a friend tell me about Limu.  I have been drinking it everyday.  I have noticed a remarkable improvement since I started drinking it!  My stomach doesn't hurt nearly as bad now!  It is supposed to help with infection.  Cancer patients drink it, it helps with blood presure, cholesterol, hormones, well.... everything! 

So, I have less than one week left now before the BIG day!  I'll probably be squalling like a big baby as they roll me into surgery.  It is scary.

I do not mind in the least little bit to answer ANY of your questions.  If my story helps someone to stop ignoring twinges, aches and pains, then I have done something good.  It is so easy to be too busy to see the dr., or say it will go away.  I know because that is what I did! 


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