People *****vised from the Band - Did yours erode? Did you revise?

on 12/25/12 7:14 am

So my band eroded through my stomach at (in my surgeon's words) "the worse possible place", where the esophagus and stomach meet.  I had surgery to have the band removed and currently have a PEG until the hole the band made and the surgeons repaired heals.  There has been some talk of revision, although I doubt I'll weigh enough to qualify as my BMI is already at 35.9.   Apparently under 35 and I won't qualify even though I only lost a total of 30lbs the 2 years I had the band.

Apparently from what my surgeon could see, the surgeon who installed my band didn't sew the stomach over the band to hold it in place so even doing what I was supposed to, the band was doing it's damage.  :(    But it's out and I'm feeling better although a bit sore.

on 12/25/12 8:23 am - Vancouver, WA

You would be totally shocked to know how many erosions there are, even in perfectly placed bands. It is just one more of the dangers of the band. You may still be able to revise as usually they don't consider the BMI in a revision, they know you have already (hopefully) lost your weight. Some insurances are jerks about it but most if they cover the surgery they will cover a revision. Good luck to you and know you aren't alone as far a s erosions go!

on 12/27/12 7:01 am

Right now, I don't even know if I want to revise.  This surgery was intense and I'm currently walking around with a freaking feeding tube.  Granted it's not being used and is supposed to be there to allow the damaged portion of my stomach that they had to repair to heal.  But it'll be at least 6 weeks before I can get rid of it so that it also heals and doesn't cause injury.  UGH!

on 12/26/12 2:24 pm - Davison, MI

My insurance is one that requires you met all the same requirements for a revision as for first time WLS.  I had to stay over 35 bmi with 2 co-morbs.  I just made it with my heaviest cloths, keys, cell phone and heavy shoes at the PCP with two co-morbs.  I had to have the band removed before I could even start the process for conversion to sleeve.  Since being un-banded and gaining 20 pounds the bmi isn't a issue.  I am so glad I didn't have to wait until the regain to starts as it has taken 6 months to get thru the process.  I had also started a documented diet on my own prior to starting as they required that also.  If I had to do all they required from the date the band needed to come out it would have taken a year.

My band hadn't eroded but, my body was rejecting the band and the port was totally incased in a capsule of scare tissue.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 12/27/12 7:06 am

I'm not sure I want to revise at this point.  I never really had restriction even when I had  a few fills (5cc in a 10cc band) and I had all the fluid removed back in May due to having to start new meds (capsules that float so they'd sit at the top of my band).  I haven't gained any weight in that time, although I haven't lost any either.  

Right now I'm on a liquid diet and all my meds have to be crushed.  I ended up with a small blood clot at an IV site so now I'm on antibiotics.  It's horrible tasting and makes me consider using my PEG for meds when I flu**** daily.

on 12/27/12 9:15 am - Davison, MI

Good Luck!  Hopefully you will do OK.  I was able to lose with all the fluid out.  I maintained my wight for three months after the band was removed.  I gained 20 this last month.  No longer is my bmi an issue.  I just couldn't handle the hunger any longer with out even the restriction of the empty band.  Wishing you a speedy recovery from this problem.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 12/27/12 1:08 pm - Springfield, VA
VSG on 01/23/13 with

My band did not erode but I had other problems, including severe adhesions. I knew that I wanted to revise as soon as my dr told me that the band had to come out. I was afraid of gaining my weight back - and, for good reason, because I have gained over 20 pounds since my band was removed in August.

I wish you a speedy recovery. I am so sorry that you are experiencing all of this and I hope that you get back to normal soon. 

HW - 287 (12/2007); GW - 165; CW - 164....proudly wearing a size 8!On my journey from LapBand to VSG.....LapBand on 12/19/07, LapBand removal on 8/8/12 and sleeve on1/23/13! Consider joining me at Band2Sleeve!(  Friend me on MyFitnessPal too! I'm gorditabonita74.

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