on 12/18/12 8:37 am - PA
RNY on 06/10/13

Just wondering if anyone went that way and how do you feel now?   did you diabetes clear up witht the bypass?  thanks


on 12/18/12 3:13 pm

Others may know more..... but I think at this point the DS would be your only sensible choice......for both WL and resolution of diabetes....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

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                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 12/18/12 3:28 pm - PA
RNY on 06/10/13

Thanks Frisco,  I had the gastric sleeve 6/6/11 lost 55 lbs and stopped.. now i went to a Dr out of state who will do a revision on me and the insurance will not cover the ds... only the bypass. so im confused on what to do.. I want more weight loss and the diabetes to go in remission. My originial Dr did not do my sleeve correctly as per the new Dr.    thanks.

on 12/19/12 9:48 am

You need to appeal that decision. You already have half of the DS, and the intestinal portion of the DS is so very effective in treating diabetes that surgeons in Europe have been doing it on non-obese diabetics. There are vets who will help you fight your insurance company, if you want the DS.

on 1/8/13 9:49 am

Appeal appeal appeal!

Considering you have half of the DS, it shouldn't be too hard, as it would be a much simpler procedure to leave the stomach alone, and just do the bypassed intestines. That should appeal to the insurance, if the fact that it would be a far superior surgery for you isn't enough for them.

on 12/19/12 8:34 pm


Diabetes will only clear up for a short time with the RNY.  Diabetes remission is PERMANENT in 98% of DSers!  Personally, I think any revision from Sleeve to RNY is stupid!  You already have the first half of the DS....that is the most logical choice.  With most insurances, you can appeal to have the DS covered.  Takes a bit more work....but so worth it.  Don't 'settle' for the RNY.  UGH!

RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

on 12/20/12 8:05 am - PA
RNY on 06/10/13


  i thought both surgeries are kinda the same  they both make the stomach smaller and reroute the intestines  so they both do the restriction and malapsorption process.  am i missing something on the anatamy part... i know the sleeve has a longer stomach capacity... I already had the sleeve and apparently i am told it was not done right the stomach and the opening are way to big.   I was told i did not do it to myself  the originial surgeon didnt do it right.. thanks for you input..


on 12/20/12 11:40 am

The RNY and DS intestinal re-routing are VERY different.  The caloric malabsorption is only temporary.  So, you malabsorb vites for life, but you only malabsorb calories for about 18 months.  That is why a good deal of RNY regain. 

Your sleeve does not have an 'opening'.  It has the original pyloric valve that your original stomach had.  See if you can get the operative report from your previous surgeon so that you can see exactly what was done to you.  My sleeve is 3 still much smaller than my original stomach and after almost 2 years I still have good restriction.  With the intestinal part of the DS, you will malabsorb calories permanently. 

RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

on 12/20/12 11:52 am - PA
RNY on 06/10/13

Thanks, we saw my stomach on an ultra sound and the upper gi... it is very big. not a sleeve at all.. the new dr said when he goes in he would have to do the whole thing over... make my sleeve smaller the way it should be.  i have no restriction what so ever.

on 12/23/12 11:56 am

If he is revising you to a RNY, you will not have a sleeve afterward at all, you have what's called a pouch, and will no longer be using your pyloric valve. Many of the RNY problems stem from that, like dumping, reactive hypoglycemia, and regain. 

The DS is such a superior surgery in every way, that if it were me, I'd appeal. If that were denied, I'd self pay for just the intestinal part of the DS, but there is no way in hell I'd let them butcher a sleeve into a pouch, and take my pyloris!

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