Anybody chose RNY over DS?

on 12/10/12 10:55 pm - Somewhere in, MI

Hello all!! I have been approved for RNY revision!!! But, I originally chose RNY then became mesmerized by the thought of being able to eat what I wanted and at the thought and not regaining, although with my sugar tooth, I know its possible. But then I look at all the vitamins they have to take and the possibility of being malnourished and just don't know if I can continue that regimen.  I know RNY'ers take vitamins too, so if someone would share the vitamins they take so I can do a comparison, that'd be great.  I see a lot of RNY'ers who say they wish they could have DS, but a number of factors have stopped them....Sooo, what would you choose?  BTW, sorry for rambling...

(cross posted on RNY message board)


 Starting W: 325 Surgery W:307 Current W: 276.4 Goal W: 165  RNY: 1/17/2013



on 12/11/12 2:09 am

Truthfully, you're going to have to take a lot of vitamins and supplements with either the RNY or the DS. Exactly how much and what will depend on YOUR individual labwork---every body is different. The risk of becomong malnourished is no greater with the DS than with the RNY.

I'm 9 years post-DS today, and I've never had one moment's regret. I love my DS, and it loves me. (*grin*)

on 12/11/12 2:47 am, edited 12/11/12 2:49 am - Eugene, OR

Okay.  Here's the poop (pun intended).  If I had to do it all over again?  I'd get the DS.  Reason?  Vitamins are not biggie.  Buy them, take them.  I had an RNY.  Do I need a lot of vitamins?  No.  I take an adult multi daily.  Half in the morning, half in the afternoon.  I take an iron pill every day.  I give myself a shot of B12 once a month.  I haven't needed calcium, BUT . . . I drink milk and I eat yogurt and cheese as a BIG part of my diet, so I found that the extra calcium just gave me kidney stones.  I'm a rare bird, so don't take that as gospel.  Now, why in the world would I recommend a surgery that will probably require less vitamins to someone who is considering surgery??  You say you have a sweet tooth.  Do you want to know what has happened to me after RNY?  I have hypoglycemia and possible nesidioblastosis.  What does that mean?  I cannot eat ANY refind carbohydrates.  I can't have bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, crackers, cookies, chips, etc.  If I do, I often pass out or at least get very ill.  We're talking dumping on steriods here -- I've had blood sugar as low as 23.  It is a life threatening situation.  Worst part of it all?  Producing so much insulin not only makes me pass out, but it freezes nearly everything I eat to my ass.  You can't lose much weight if your body is actively trying to store every last morsel.  

Go with the DS.  I think your sweet tooth will put you at risk for dumping syndrome with RNY and you'll have way less possibility of weight re-gain with DS.  If you already know things will be hard to give up, take care of it ahead of time.  Trust me, eating fish and salad for the rest of your life is a real drag.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 12/11/12 7:20 am - Somewhere in, MI

Thanks for the responses ladies!  This is really a hard decision to make! I've seen samples of the vitamins folks take with both surgeries and I just don't know about the amount of vites DS'ers take.  If I could just be reserved to taking them 2x a day, that would be fine, but I know myself.... *sigh....  The DS by far sounds like the better choice, but what about when I'm old and ornery with a limited appetite?  Will I just keep losing until I can't lose any more and then croak over? 


 Starting W: 325 Surgery W:307 Current W: 276.4 Goal W: 165  RNY: 1/17/2013



on 12/11/12 9:00 pm

This is something that you are going to have to think long and hard about.  Vites are NON NEGOTIABLE.  You have to take them.  No excuses.  Most DSers take vites 4-6 times a day.  Personally I take about 35 vites a day in 5 batches.  Is it a pain in the butt....Yes....but it becomes second nature after a while.  Like any takes a bit to get your brain in the game.  However, you HAVE to be committed to taking them for the rest of your life.  If you do not, YOU WILL DIE a slow and miserable death.  Thems just the facts and is something that everyone considering the DS needs to take into account.  

At least $50 a month budget for vites, $50 a month budget for protein shake powder, 4-6 times a day vite schedule and regular labwork are a minimum.  First year you will need labwork every 3 months and then every 6 months after.  That is the best way to stay on top of your levels and correct them before they get too bad.  In general, malnutrition isn't an issue if you are compliant with your vites and getting regular labwork.  Make sure you turn to the vets here to know what vites to take and what labs to get, as almost ALL clinic programs do not give correct info to DSers.  Sad, but true.

Good luck on your decision and ask any questions you have!  We are here to help!

RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald

"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"

on 12/11/12 9:50 pm - Somewhere in, MI

Thx for the info, although I know this, it's good to have it beaten into my head! 


 Starting W: 325 Surgery W:307 Current W: 276.4 Goal W: 165  RNY: 1/17/2013



on 12/11/12 3:12 pm

Here is a link to Vitalady's packaged vitamin supplements for all surgery types.  This will give you an idea of possible cost although many get by with a lot less.  As it was said, let your labs dictate your supplements but make sure you get all the labs you need to make that decision.  Start out taking all that are recommended and adjust as necessary.  It is much harder to catch up to deficiencies then it is to maintain good levels.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 12/11/12 3:16 pm, edited 12/11/12 9:43 pm - Somewhere in, MI

Thx Lady, this would've probably been my next question,,,,I'm glad U beat me to it!


 Starting W: 325 Surgery W:307 Current W: 276.4 Goal W: 165  RNY: 1/17/2013



on 12/21/12 10:22 pm

Please do not listen when people tell you what you "should" do.  It's one thing to share your own experience.  That's helpful.  But the "shoulds" are between the patient and his/her doctor.  Every body is different and it is quite dangerous to make these huge decisions based on the advice of people on a message board.  While well intentioned, other peoples' stories should NOT be the decision makers for you.  I've read horror stories on these boards about people with "band to RNY" situations and I'm fine.  I did it.  So you never know.  You will know what's best for you based on your own medical history.


Best of luck to you and we look forward to hearing how things go, regardless of which procedure you choose.

on 12/22/12 12:10 am - Somewhere in, MI

Thx for the advice, but what's your story and why'd YOU make the decision u made?


 Starting W: 325 Surgery W:307 Current W: 276.4 Goal W: 165  RNY: 1/17/2013



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